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At 5:29am on February 9, 2025, Hannah Grace Mooney said…

Hello .

I am Mrs. Hannah Grace Mooney, an aging widow suffering from long time illness (Esophageal Cancer). I have some important information (charity proposal) for you, May God continue to bless you, Please reply( for more details.

your sister in the Lord,
Mrs. Hannah Grace Mooney.

At 7:09am on October 9, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

At 6:34am on August 12, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Abraham Lincoln claimed that it his goal of invading the South was to preserve the Union. but his real purpose was to dissolve the union and create a new nation.

The purpose of the Constitution was not to create a more perfect nation, it was to create a more perfect union of sovereign states.

In the Gettysburg Address he revealed that thereal purpose of the war was to give birth to a new nation.

The war between the states was actucally the war against the states. The purpose of the war was not to free the slaves it was to steal the sovereignty of the states. 

When Congress passed the "Organic Act of1871" the new natiion became a corporation known as the "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" that turned the citizens of the states into subjects of a gigantic crime syndicare.

At 1:57am on July 19, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

The most hotly contested debate at the Constitutional Comvention was over how the people and the states would be represented. The Virginia Plan  proposed by James Madison provided that representation of the states would be based population, while the small states insisted on equal representation.

The goal of our founding fathers was to create a rebublican form of government that would preserve, protect and defend the God-given rights of the people.

They understood that the rights of thr people could not be protected if the majority of people living in the large states could completely dominate the people living in the small states.

A bocameral legislature with a Hosue of Representatices to advocate for the people in the large states and a Senate to represnt the interests of the people in the small states the tyranny of a majority could be prevented.

This compromise enabled the voice of the people in the large states to be heard in the House of Representatives and the voice if the people in the small states to be heard in the Senate.

Without the representation of the small states in the senate, the balance of power would be lost was lost and Congress would become a unicameral legislature with two separate houses representing the interests the majority.

To prevent the tyranny of majority the founders wanted the senators be chosen to represent their state legislators rather than the peopje at large. They wrote into Article V a provision that guaranteed that no state could be denied their representation in the senate without their consent/

The small states lost their representation in the senate with the ratification of the 17th Amendment and in the process lost their voice and their ability to prevent the tyranny of the large states.

The right of the Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Kentucky, Utah, Virginia and South Carolina to be represented in the senate have been taken away wiithout their consent  which violates the provisions in Article V.

These states should refuuse to comply wirh 17th Amendment.

States that have previously ratified the 17th Amendment should consuder rescinding their vote in favor of ratification and join seven states that have refused to give their consent. 

Delaware voted against ratification in 1913, bur in 2010 Delaware state legislature decided to ratified the 17th Amendment. States have a right to give their consent, and they also have a right to withdraw their consent.

At 2:12am on December 29, 2023, Keith Broaders said…


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