Congress has the authority to lay and collect taxes to provide for our common defense and promote the general welfare of the nation as a whole.
The power delegated to tax and spend is a limited power to tax and spend.
Spending money for any other purpose is unconstitution.
Congress can only spend money on things that are ncecessary and proper and most of the trillions of dollars the government spends is neither necessary or proper.
Borrowing trillions of dollars to pay for unconstititional programs and project benefits the lenders and turns us into perpetual debt slaves.
Borrowing money is unnecessary as Congress has the authority to issue all of money we need.
The taxes needed to pay the interest on the debt could be eliminated if we stopped spending money on things we don't need and can't afford.
In the United States today there are over 50 million people who think they are home owners, but they are sadly mistaken.
The fact ia that their homes are the property of a Municipal Corporation in the county where thet resude.If the property taxes are not paid the home you thoght you owned will be repossessed.
Tens of Millions of Americans who think they own their homes are really only tenants and the property taxes are the rent they pay for the privilege of occupying their residence.
Even after your mortgage is paid in full you must contunue paying property taxes or should I say rent until the day you die.
Your state owns your car and can repossess it if you fail to pay the registration fee. Your children can also be repossessed if in the opinion of the courts you are an unfit parent,
The governent taxes your time, your talent and the fruits of your labor and spends the money to finance wars of aggression other things we don'r need and can't afford.
We claim to live in the land that is free, but when the government taxes the air we breathe isn't it about time that we withdrew our consent from the government thar treats us like negro slaves on a Federal plantation.
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Congress has the authority to lay and collect taxes to provide for our common defense and promote the general welfare of the nation as a whole.
The power delegated to tax and spend is a limited power to tax and spend.
Spending money for any other purpose is unconstitution.
Congress can only spend money on things that are ncecessary and proper and most of the trillions of dollars the government spends is neither necessary or proper.
Borrowing trillions of dollars to pay for unconstititional programs and project benefits the lenders and turns us into perpetual debt slaves.
Borrowing money is unnecessary as Congress has the authority to issue all of money we need.
The taxes needed to pay the interest on the debt could be eliminated if we stopped spending money on things we don't need and can't afford.
Please Call Me at 669 333 2800
In the United States today there are over 50 million people who think they are home owners, but they are sadly mistaken.
The fact ia that their homes are the property of a Municipal Corporation in the county where thet resude.If the property taxes are not paid the home you thoght you owned will be repossessed.
Tens of Millions of Americans who think they own their homes are really only tenants and the property taxes are the rent they pay for the privilege of occupying their residence.
Even after your mortgage is paid in full you must contunue paying property taxes or should I say rent until the day you die.
Your state owns your car and can repossess it if you fail to pay the registration fee. Your children can also be repossessed if in the opinion of the courts you are an unfit parent,
The governent taxes your time, your talent and the fruits of your labor and spends the money to finance wars of aggression other things we don'r need and can't afford.
We claim to live in the land that is free, but when the government taxes the air we breathe isn't it about time that we withdrew our consent from the government thar treats us like negro slaves on a Federal plantation.
Self Ownership
Legal Plunder
Please call Keith Broaders ay 669 333 2800