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At 3:15am on November 9, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Congress has the authority to lay and collect taxes to provide for our common defense and promote the general welfare of the nation as a whole,

power delegated to tax and spend is limiteda  power to tax and spend.

Spending money for any other purpose is unconstitution.

Congress can only spend money on things that are ncecessary and proper and most of the trillions of dollars the government spends is neither necessary or proper.

Borrowing trillions of dollars to pay for unconstititional programs and project benefits the lenders and turns us into perpetual debt slaves.

Borrowing money is unnecessary as Congress has the authority to issue all of money we need.

The taxes needed to pay the interest on the debt could be eliminated if we stopped spending money on things we don't need and can't afford.

At 4:39am on November 5, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

The human race is a gigantic family each one of us has billions of brothers and sisters. We all were born with the same right to life no natter where on the planet we happen to live.

Life is sacred and the taking of an innocent life is morally reprehensible. 

No country on earth has invaded more countries and killed more innocent men, women and children than the United States.

Since 1945 we have nvaded more than 50 other foreign countries and dropped hundreds of thousands of bombs to make the world safe for democracy?

A Patriot is someone who loves their country and is willing die if necessary to defend their homeland and repel invasions.

A terrorist is someone that does not respect the lives, liberty or property of other sovereign nations and is willing to wage wars of aggression to get what they want.

At 7:19am on October 10, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Please help me educate America by sharing my website and by making a donation.

At 2:00am on July 15, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

At 1:39am on July 5, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

At 10:37am on June 26, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

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At 12:45am on June 12, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Los Angeles. Chicago and New York City should become their own states

Los Angeles County has a population of ten million, making it larger than 39 of the 50 states.

Cook County in Illinois the home of Chicago has a population that would make it the nation's 25th ;argest state.

The five boroughs a total of 42% of the states total population of 19 million residents and would make the city's population greater than that of 37 states.

LA County has 17 Congressional Districts and 17 electoral votes while entire state of Wyoming has just 1 District and 3 electoral votes.

Cook County has 7 Congressional Districts and the five boroughs of New York have 11 districts and 11 electoral votes.

There are over 3,143 counties in the United States and 435 Congressional Districts. The 3 largest counties have a combined population of 22 million and have 35 Congressional Representatives while the remaing 3,140

The Brookings Institution published a report on county-level results. The report showed that Biden won 477 counties, while Trump won497 counties. Results from dozens of counties were not finalized at the time, per Time magazine.

It is obvious that the election process favors the large metropolitan areas at the expense of the smaller rural communities. This is an example of the tyranny of the majority

At 1:27am on April 20, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Racism is not natural, it needs to be taught and the seeds of racisn were planted by the Christian Pastors in when the British Colonies were established in North America17th Century.

It was when Columbus returned to Spain  he sought permission from Pope Alexander to claim all of the land he discovered for Spain and to subjugate all pagans, saracens and Non Christians in the lands he dicovered.

It was the position of the Church that White Euriopean Christian were superior to all other races. religions and creeds..

The predominately  Christian Nation  embtaced  the Papal Bull known as the Doctrine of Discovery issued by Pope Alexander and the rest is history.

The Constitution was written by a wealthy oligarchy of white Christian men that wanted to maintain their positions in the socio-economic heirarchy for themselves  and their posterity.

For hundreds of years the men and women from Africa who were  imported to the Unted States to labor in the fields of the financial elete were considered to be property rather tgan people. 


At 5:35am on March 26, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

At 12:52am on March 25, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Do the people in uostate New York have a right to separate  themselves from New York City and form a new state, Do the people living ourside of Chicago have a right to create a new state in Illinois? 

Does the majority living in metropoltan areas have a right to exploit the people living in the less populated rural counties because they have the votes to do so?

The City and County of Los Angeles has more residents than 40 states.


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