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At 3:14am on November 9, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Congress has the authority to lay and collect taxes to provide for our common defense and promote the general welfare of the nation as a whole,

power delegated to tax and spend is limiteda  power to tax and spend.

Spending money for any other purpose is unconstitution.

Congress can only spend money on things that are ncecessary and proper and most of the trillions of dollars the government spends is neither necessary or proper.

Borrowing trillions of dollars to pay for unconstititional programs and project benefits the lenders and turns us into perpetual debt slaves.

Borrowing money is unnecessary as Congress has the authority to issue all of money we need.

The taxes needed to pay the interest on the debt could be eliminated if we stopped spending money on things we don't need and can't afford.

At 11:50am on November 6, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

In the first Presidential election 69  Presidential Electors  were chosen by the state legislatures or elected by the people in the Congressional choose the man they considered to be the best candidate.  The electors  unanimously chose George Washington, but only 28,009 people in six of the states actually voted for him.

The electors voted the man they believed was the best candidate.

The men who wrote the Constition believed that the people at large were ignorant and uninformed  and  that  a panel of well educated men should choose the President

In the Presidential Election of 1788-1789 only 6 states had popular elections.In 1828 the Democratic Party was born  all of the states except Delaware and South Caroltna conducted statewide popular elections. In 1834 the Whig Party was established  and in 1836 the electors stopped being chosen by the state legislatures or the people of the Congrssional Districts and began to be chosen by the political parties to represent the entire state rather than Congressional Districts.

13 states had popular elections in 1824 and 22 of the 24 states held popular elections.

273,749 popular votes in1824 and 1,148,018 popular votes in 1828.

At 4:37am on November 5, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

The human race is a gigantic family each one of us has billions of brothers and sisters. We all were born with the same right to life no natter where on the planet we happen to live.

Life is sacred and the taking of an innocent life is morally reprehensible. 

No country on earth has invaded more countries and killed more innocent men, women and children than the United States.

Since 1945 we have nvaded more than 50 other foreign countries and dropped hundreds of thousands of bombs to make the world safe for democracy?

A Patriot is someone who loves their country and is willing die if necessary to defend their homeland and repel invasions.

A terrorist is someone that does not respect the lives, liberty or property of other sovereign nations and is willing to wage wars of aggression to get what they want.

At 6:48am on October 31, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Mark Phillips

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Constitution Party of Florida
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At 2:34pm on October 23, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

I am a child of God and have the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else on the planet. I have been given time and talent to be used to bless the lives of others.

For most of my life I was a teacher who delivered government approved curriculum to my students and thought I was doing a good job. It wasn’t until after I retired that I realized that I was delivering the government approved  curriculum rather than teaching my student to how to think.

I am 77 years old and I plan to spend the remainder of my life preaching the Gospel of Liberty to as many people as I can

Rather than teaching my students to memorize and regurgitate the curriculum presented it became my goal to teach my students how to think and educate themselves.

I have created this website to provide parents and grandparents with the resources necessary teach rheir children and grand children how to think for themselves

I am willing to be your personal mentor. If you have comments or questions, please feel free to call the Online Professor at (386- 365-6823.

In 1787 delegates from the 12 of the 13 states met in Philadelphia to create a new form of government that would protect the rights of the people and limit the ability of the government to violate the God given rights of the people.

The delegates understood that power corrupts and that men in positions of power tend abuse that power in order to satisfy their greed and lust for power.The Constitution is a rule book written to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. .

The Constitution was not written to govern the people, it was written to govern the government. If properly observed the Constitution would create a land characterized by liberty, equality and justice.

Failure of the people to hold government officials accountable for violating the Constitution has allowed an oligarchy of rich and powerful individuals with the power to exploit the people to benefit themselves and their cronies.

Principles of Liberty

Click Here

At 7:21am on October 10, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Please help me educate America by sharing my website and by making a donation.

At 1:00pm on September 13, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Tuesday, September 17th is the 237th anniversary of the signing of the Cpmstitution and the Constitution Club of Sywannee County will be presenting a lecture on the powers delegated to Congress. The lecture will be held at 3:00 at the Live Oak City Hall.

At 6:19am on May 27, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

The Goal of Public Indoctrination


An average American in their lifetime will spend over 40,000 hours in front of their television The billionaires use your television to control what you see, hear and believe.

How much better would we be if we read books instead of watching so much television?

The average American spends ar least 13 years and over  10,000 hours in classrooms where they are trained rather than educated.  We are taught to memorize and regurgitate instead of learning how to learn.

The easiest way to enslave a man is ti get him to believe things that are not true.

Those that blindly obey are easily enslaved and make wonderful soldiers.

At 6:13am on May 27, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Millions of Jewish men, women and children were mudered in Nazi Germany because of the many government officials just followed orders. and the vast najority of the people supported Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Sometimes it is necessary for just men and women to defy their rulers and refuse to comply with unjust directives.

If the Hebrew midwives had obeyed the Pharoah's orders Mises would never have lived to complete his mission.

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At 12:05pm on March 27, 2024, Keith Broaders said…


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