Mary-Lee Scott
  • Female
  • Lewis Center, OH
  • United States
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At 6:33am on October 9, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

At 1:57am on July 15, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

At 1:24am on July 5, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

The Reoublican and Democratic Parties have become instruments in the hands of tyrants to enslave the people and steal our wealth. 

The billionaires and Wall Street corporations invest millions of dollats to elect candidates who will spend money that we don't have on things we don't need and can't afford. In return for their generpsity, theit hand picked puppets grant them billions of dollars in tax breaks and subsidies,

Choosing one party over the other is like choosing to lace your Kool Aid with Cyanide or Arsenic. The time has come for those voters who believe in the principles of liberty and a limited government need to abandon the two major parties and join the Constitution Party.

By voting for republicans and democrats you are allowing agents of the financial elite to violate your rights and steal your property.

At 5:59am on June 29, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

In the United States the states are sovereign and the Federal government was created to servr the states and to protect the rights of the people in order to secure the blessings of liberty. The ultimate responsibility of a just government is to promote liberty, equality, and justice.

The Federal government was created by the consent of the states with a short list of delegated powers and retained all powers not enumerated to themselves.

All laws passed by Congress are merely suggestions for the governments of the states to consider. As the sovereign, the states have the authority to accept or reject Federal legislation.

At 1:54am on June 29, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

In the Printz v United States the Supreme Court ruled in 1997 that the Federal government can not compel county sheriffs to enforce federal directives that imfringe on the right of the people to keep and bare arms.

Federal mandates assiciated with the Covid pandemic should be treated as suggestions, rather than laws. The County sheriff's duty is to honor their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

The Sheriff should enforce just laws and refuse to comply with those that are not. 

At the Trial at Nurenberg the Nazi war criminals claimed that they were not guilty because they were just following orders.

On Friday, July 19 at 2:00 former Sheriff Richard Mack, who was one of the two county Sheriffs to challenge President Clinton's directive regarding the implementation of the Brady Bill will be making a presentation at the Live Oak City Hall.

All County Sheriffs and County Commissioners are urged to attend as well as anyone else that is interested in tge defense of their God given rights.

Seating is limited to the first 100 participamts

At 10:34am on June 26, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Click on the image above

At 12:43am on June 12, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

Los Angeles. Chicago and New York City should become their own states

Los Angeles County has a population of ten million, making it larger than 39 of the 50 states.

Cook County in Illinois the home of Chicago has a population that would make it the nation's 25th ;argest state.

The five boroughs a total of 42% of the states total population of 19 million residents and would make the city's population greater than that of 37 states.

LA County has 17 Congressional Districts and 17 electoral votes while entire state of Wyoming has just 1 District and 3 electoral votes.

Cook County has 7 Congressional Districts and the five boroughs of New York have 11 districts and 11 electoral votes.

There are over 3,143 counties in the United States and 435 Congressional Districts. The 3 largest counties have a combined population of 22 million and have 35 Congressional Representatives while the remaing 3,140

The Brookings Institution published a report on county-level results. The report showed that Biden won 477 counties, while Trump won497 counties. Results from dozens of counties were not finalized at the time, per Time magazine.

It is obvious that the election process favors the large metropolitan areas at the expense of the smaller rural communities. This is an example of the tyranny of the majority

At 4:19am on June 9, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

At 1:05am on June 7, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

At 12:01am on June 7, 2024, Keith Broaders said…

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