Los Angeles. Chicago and New York City should become their own states
Los Angeles County has a population of ten million, making it larger than 39 of the 50 states.
Cook County in Illinois the home of Chicago has a population that would make it the nation's 25th ;argest state.
The five boroughs a total of 42% of the states total population of 19 million residents and would make the city's population greater than that of 37 states.
LA County has 17 Congressional Districts and 17 electoral votes while entire state of Wyoming has just 1 District and 3 electoral votes.
Cook County has 7 Congressional Districts and the five boroughs of New York have 11 districts and 11 electoral votes.
There are over 3,143 counties in the United States and 435 Congressional Districts. The 3 largest counties have a combined population of 22 million and have 35 Congressional Representatives while the remaing 3,140
The Brookings Institution published a report on county-level results. The report showed that Biden won 477 counties, while Trump won497 counties. Results from dozens of counties were not finalized at the time, per Time magazine.
It is obvious that the election process favors the large metropolitan areas at the expense of the smaller rural communities. This is an example of the tyranny of the majority
Roger Sherman's proposal broke the deadlock between the large and small states when he proposed a bicameral legislature with one house to represent the states and a second house to represent the people.
This great compromise provided for equal representation of the states in the senate and proportional representation of the people in the House. This model created a combination of checks and balances and a separation of powers which would enable the government to function as it should,
The authors of the Constitution felt that the indirect election of senators was so important that they wrote into Article V an Amendment Protection Clause that prohibited Congress from proposing any amendment that would allow for the direct election of senators.
The clause reads "No state shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the senate without their consent", In order for an proposed amendment to be lawful ratified the unanimous consent of all of the 48 states would be necessary.
When 36 of the 48 states ratified the amendment the Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan declared it ratified even though it violated the provision found in Article V,
Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, Utah and Virginia have never ratified the amendment and the Constitutional right of these states to be represented in the senate has been taken from them,
Racism is not natural, it needs to be taught and the seeds of racisn were planted by the Christian Pastors in when the British Colonies were established in North America17th Century.
It was when Columbus returned to Spain he sought permission from Pope Alexander to claim all of the land he discovered for Spain and to subjugate all pagans, saracens and Non Christians in the lands he dicovered.
It was the position of the Church that White Euriopean Christian were superior to all other races. religions and creeds..
The predominately Christian Nation embtaced the Papal Bull known as the Doctrine of Discovery issued by Pope Alexander and the rest is history.
The Constitution was written by a wealthy oligarchy of white Christian men that wanted to maintain their positions in the socio-economic heirarchy for themselves and their posterity.
For hundreds of years the men and women from Africa who were imported to the Unted States to labor in the fields of the financial elete were considered to be property rather tgan people.
When a man gives his consent to be governeed he loses his sovereignty and his God given rights. A man who is governed is not a freeman, he is a subject to the authority of a ruling class.
A man gives his consent by obeying the laws enacted by the rulers. When he refuses to obey the unjust laws, he withdraws his consent and the strip their government of their right to govern.
Thomas Jefferson stated in the Declaration of Independence that governments are created by the consent of the governed. He also said that the people have a right to alter of abolish their government.
This can happen when a sufficient number of people withdraw their consent. This is done when the people refuse to obey the unjust laws, rules and regulations.
When you tolerate injustice you give your consent to tyranny. You can only become a victim if you give your consent.
When you choose to vote and pay Federal Income Taxes you give your consent.
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Constitution Party of Florida
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Los Angeles. Chicago and New York City should become their own states
Los Angeles County has a population of ten million, making it larger than 39 of the 50 states.
Cook County in Illinois the home of Chicago has a population that would make it the nation's 25th ;argest state.
The five boroughs a total of 42% of the states total population of 19 million residents and would make the city's population greater than that of 37 states.
LA County has 17 Congressional Districts and 17 electoral votes while entire state of Wyoming has just 1 District and 3 electoral votes.
Cook County has 7 Congressional Districts and the five boroughs of New York have 11 districts and 11 electoral votes.
There are over 3,143 counties in the United States and 435 Congressional Districts. The 3 largest counties have a combined population of 22 million and have 35 Congressional Representatives while the remaing 3,140
The Brookings Institution published a report on county-level results. The report showed that Biden won 477 counties, while Trump won497 counties. Results from dozens of counties were not finalized at the time, per Time magazine.
It is obvious that the election process favors the large metropolitan areas at the expense of the smaller rural communities. This is an example of the tyranny of the majority
Direct Election of Senators
Roger Sherman's proposal broke the deadlock between the large and small states when he proposed a bicameral legislature with one house to represent the states and a second house to represent the people.
This great compromise provided for equal representation of the states in the senate and proportional representation of the people in the House. This model created a combination of checks and balances and a separation of powers which would enable the government to function as it should,
The authors of the Constitution felt that the indirect election of senators was so important that they wrote into Article V an Amendment Protection Clause that prohibited Congress from proposing any amendment that would allow for the direct election of senators.
The clause reads "No state shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the senate without their consent", In order for an proposed amendment to be lawful ratified the unanimous consent of all of the 48 states would be necessary.
When 36 of the 48 states ratified the amendment the Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan declared it ratified even though it violated the provision found in Article V,
Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, Utah and Virginia have never ratified the amendment and the Constitutional right of these states to be represented in the senate has been taken from them,
Racism is not natural, it needs to be taught and the seeds of racisn were planted by the Christian Pastors in when the British Colonies were established in North America17th Century.
It was when Columbus returned to Spain he sought permission from Pope Alexander to claim all of the land he discovered for Spain and to subjugate all pagans, saracens and Non Christians in the lands he dicovered.
It was the position of the Church that White Euriopean Christian were superior to all other races. religions and creeds..
The predominately Christian Nation embtaced the Papal Bull known as the Doctrine of Discovery issued by Pope Alexander and the rest is history.
The Constitution was written by a wealthy oligarchy of white Christian men that wanted to maintain their positions in the socio-economic heirarchy for themselves and their posterity.
For hundreds of years the men and women from Africa who were imported to the Unted States to labor in the fields of the financial elete were considered to be property rather tgan people.
When a man gives his consent to be governeed he loses his sovereignty and his God given rights. A man who is governed is not a freeman, he is a subject to the authority of a ruling class.
A man gives his consent by obeying the laws enacted by the rulers. When he refuses to obey the unjust laws, he withdraws his consent and the strip their government of their right to govern.
Thomas Jefferson stated in the Declaration of Independence that governments are created by the consent of the governed. He also said that the people have a right to alter of abolish their government.
This can happen when a sufficient number of people withdraw their consent. This is done when the people refuse to obey the unjust laws, rules and regulations.
When you tolerate injustice you give your consent to tyranny. You can only become a victim if you give your consent.
When you choose to vote and pay Federal Income Taxes you give your consent.
Choosing to vote for a democrat or a republican is like choosing between a Coke and a Pepsi, no matter who you choose, you lose.
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