County Group Main Goal
A return to proper Representation under Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, wherein;
"The number of Representatives shall not exceed One for every thirty Thousand,.."
We are dedicated to the notion that our state Representatives and their redistricting committees are required by law to apply for the CORRECT number of Congressional seats and then Congress is responsible for allotting to each and every state, "One for every thirty Thousand" positions in the House of Representatives. End of story. No debate.
This is our FIRST RIGHT and they "shall not exceed" these boundaries/limits as they involve two limits, not one. There is an upper limit and a lower limit and they are the same.
The number shall not grow or shrink. It must remain at or very near "One for every thirty Thousand" PERIOD!
We suggest that (+/- 10%) would be acceptable as a "real world" compromise. That would translate to each District containing from approximately 27.000 to 33,000 inhabitants.