if it is worth working towards then it is worth attempting to make it a reality. Of course, if you give up before you get started what good are you to yourself or anyone else?
Low intensity conflict ? With who ?
I believe the proper question would be "With whom?"
That said and syntax repaired, the answer is a low intensity, high priority meeting with your local STATE Representative. The State Republics and their respective legislatures are responsible for DEMANDING the proper number of seats in The House of Representatives. Then formula for deciding this number can be found at Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution OF or FOR the United States of America
I dont care about Symantecs Morton, and Good Luck with those meetings, they wont work !
Semantics? Symantec is a software company. But somehow I think you knew that. So that makes it funny, right? Good one, but what meetings are we talking about?
I could careless about the spelling or if spell check auto correct catches it or not.
whatever those meeting you’re saying you guys are going to have with your low intensity conflict with your scumbag traitor representatives.
Oh, ok.
I don't plan on any specific "meeting", as you say, but a conference with my local state Rep is likely to end in federal charges and a Grand Jury investigation into misprision of treason for him and any other politician who violates their Oath or ANYONE'S (even strawmen's) rights.
Its about to get ugly. This is no mere meeting.
Well I hope your meeting happens with American Militias on standby to make Citizen Scumbag Arrests...
Force the Unconstitutional scumbag sheriffs and whoever else is standby opposite.
Can you visualize it ?
This is how it’s going to happen at those meetings.
I won’t believe anything either way until it happens.
God Speed
Good Luck and Hammer those mother Fuckers !
it would be fantastic if a meeting with one of those belonging to the den of thieves would do any good. you can get a meeting but nothing will ever come out of the meeting unless maybe if you could have 100,000 people at that meeting! I have attempted this and nothing was ever heard but a bunch of lip service.
Bullseye ! JACKPOT ! You nailed it...
I keep trying to tell everyone here and out there... You will NOT Get your country back by the path and thinking they’re on today.
Focus on Plans B, C and D !
Help Activate the Stupid Sheeple into Militias and begin the process.
This is coming
this is how it’s going to end.
There is no other way, KNOW THIS !
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