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Well Regulated American Militias

Honorable mention to Robert "La Voy" Finnicum

June 29th 2009 marked the first day WRAM entered the world of the Militia started by a few intrepid Patriots who were very concerned the direction our Nation was heading.  As we enter our second decade with many unknowns facing us much as we did way back then, the dangers facing us are far greater now than they were then.

WRAM started with a few and grew into over twenty one thousand (21K) members.  We formed State Groups where you could connect with like minded individuals in your State along with Specialized Groups covering many aspects of being prepared for any and all situations.  We have always endeavored to educate our members by way of Blogs as well as provide them with a place to gather and exchange ideas and information to benefit all.

With that in mind the Resource Center was created April 2014 containing over 15,000 links to TM's and FM's along with information and training material to keep you alive and in good health, providing you have taken the time and effort to learn these skills.

In the previous decade we have faced many challenges and changes within the patriotic communities as well as within our Nation.  With those we learned that protests, letter writing and emailing our respective elected officials did nothing.  The clear and simple message to us was that we have no voice.  A stand was made at the Bundy Ranch which ended with us running the Feds off.  This was followed the next year with the Mueller Wildlife Refuge standoff that ended with LaVoy Finnicum being murdered by the Feds.

Since that time we have seen Antifa ad BLM along with others of their ilk on the rise with immunity to the laws of the land.  There have been a few stand offs with them, most notably Charlottesville.

We are also seeing a massive invasion of illegal immigrants where our own government is disbursing them all across our Nation.  How much more shall we take?  How much longer before we have lost our Nation?  We know its not just people from Central and South America but from all across the world.  Last count was people from 52 nations had crossed our borders illegally in the last 30 days.  Many of them of fighting age.  We are also seeing an influx of these immigrants with infectious diseases of the kind that have been eradicated within our borders many decades ago.  How much more will we take?

Meanwhile over the last few years we have seen a dramatic drop in members showing up and interacting.  Not just with WRAM but with Militia groups all across the spectrum.  What changed?  Have we become so inured or immune to what is happening that we no longer care enough to even talk about it.  It is like since Trump got elected the mind set is we can stack arms and go back to our normal lives.  In the mean time the left keeps tearing away at our freedoms and liberty one little bit at a time...  And no one seems to care.

Meanwhile we are always open to suggestions as to how to improve WRAM or have we out lived our purpose?  Perhaps it is time to end WRAM?  With the apparent lack of interest that option is on the table.  We cannot make appropriate changes without your suggestions.  What direction do you feel we need to go.  Remember this is and always has been your site.  Without you it doesn't matter...

For those who have not downloaded the Resource Center, now might be a good time while it is still available.

The choice is yours as to how our next decade will go.  For those who are afraid of being on a govt list get over it, as your on it already and have been for years.

I am not concerned so much as to the future of WRAM as I am to the future of our Nation.   Get involved again, get active, stand tall and be counted.  Become a part of instead of apart from.   Come out of the shadows as our Nation is in dire need of you...

Is this what LaVoy Finnicum died for?

Choose well...


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if it is worth working towards then it is worth attempting to make it a reality.  Of course, if you give up before you get started what good are you to yourself or anyone else?


Low intensity conflict ? With who ?

I believe the proper question would be "With whom?"

That said and syntax repaired, the answer is a low intensity, high priority meeting with your local STATE Representative. The State Republics and their respective legislatures are responsible for DEMANDING the proper number of seats in The House of Representatives. Then formula for deciding this number can be found at Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution OF or FOR the United States of America

I dont care about Symantecs Morton, and Good Luck with those meetings, they wont work ! 

Semantics? Symantec is a software company. But somehow I think you knew that. So that makes it funny, right? Good one, but what meetings are we talking about?

I could careless about the spelling or if spell check auto correct catches it or not.

whatever those meeting you’re saying you guys are going to have with your low intensity conflict with your scumbag traitor representatives.

Oh, ok.

I don't plan on any specific "meeting", as you say, but a conference with my local state Rep is likely to end in federal charges and a Grand Jury investigation into misprision of treason for him and any other politician who violates their Oath or ANYONE'S (even strawmen's) rights.

Its about to get ugly. This is no mere meeting.

Well I hope your meeting happens with American Militias on standby to make Citizen Scumbag Arrests... 

Force the Unconstitutional scumbag sheriffs and whoever else is standby opposite.

Can you visualize it ?

This is how it’s going to happen at those meetings.

I won’t believe anything either way until it happens.

God Speed 

Good Luck and Hammer those mother Fuckers ! 

it would be fantastic if a meeting with one of those belonging to the den of thieves would do any good.  you can get a meeting but nothing will ever come out of the meeting unless maybe if you could have 100,000 people at that meeting! I have attempted this and nothing was ever heard but a bunch of lip service.

Bullseye ! JACKPOT ! You nailed it...

I keep trying to tell everyone here and out there... You will NOT Get your country back by the path and thinking they’re on today.

Focus on Plans B, C and D !

Help Activate the Stupid Sheeple into Militias and begin the process.

This is coming 

this is how it’s going to end.

There is no other way, KNOW THIS !



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