My wife, Irene and I, together with another Oath Keeper stood with the Bundys and, later, with Jeanette Finicum after LaVoy was assassinated.
I have continually updated a recap of events from the very beginning. Contact me by e-mail if you would like copy of about 13 pages.
Weldon, I wouldn't mind having a copy, shavager@yahoo.com. Just let me know address or link for any costs.
The Outpost of Freedom has a full recounting of the entire affair and more. That site is the brainchild of Gary Hunt, one of our outstanding members, whose contributions to the Bundys and the Hammonds is immeasurable.
It is not easy to get Americans to stand up and be counted. Most don't really want to get involved!
I have been attempting to accomplish this feat for many years with very little success. I get a lot of interest, but no one willing to take any action.
Interesting, never heard of WRAM and I’ve been to thousands of sites and places...
who created WRAM, can you get me the source, post it here, need to do research on them.
btw, even-though I give Oath Keepers credit for doing a few things, they are heavily infiltrated with Traitor RATS from the CIA, NSA, FBI and countless others. I dont feel bad for them when the truth comes out.
Same problem applies to all the other militias across the land under continual surveillance by the FED.
All and any such groups or individuals involved with or assisting in any way have been identified in 2016 by the FBI as an official ‘Enterprise Threat’ !
Who’s Enterprise ?
What and who’s Enterprise are we threatening ? HINT !
Until you and the rest of so called patriots wake up and begin actions/ planning to expose and confront the FBI and other such Rogue Agencies and agents, to isolate them, to dismantle them (since Trump won’t), to neutralize them on a local, county, state and National scale... NOTHING WILL CHANGE !
The link to the WRAM website is in the article.
I saw the link, I’m not signing into anything anymore period for obvious reasons.
I’m already searching to see what I can find on them.
You need not worry about WRAM.
They have already been vetted by Keith and I and we are both members. I suggest we all join. They have a fantastic format and huge participation. We would be well advised to associate and coordinate with them as often as possible.
Sure !
"btw, even-though I give Oath Keepers credit for doing a few things, they are heavily infiltrated with Traitor RATS from?"
I also was a member of Oath Keepers, and I participated in several of the local FTX'es, and both have been infiltrated by Freemasons who will put their Oath to the Lodge, above their Oath to the Constitution of the United States.
They have infiltrated every branch of our Government, and own the businesses that are awarded the lucrative Federal, State, and Local Government Contracts because they have inside information they received from their Government contacts.
The members of these Secret Societies are sworn to secrecy with blood oaths and are threatened with death if they reveal anything about the plan to build their "New World Order," while taking over the World!
This may be one of the reasons why some members have decided to disconnect while still believing in their Oath to the Constitution.
We have not quit, we are assessing the landscape of the battlefield from a atop a safe hill.
Anyway, I hope the site will remain as a means of exchanging information, and intelligence so we can best prepare for the coming Low Intensity Conflict...
truer words may have never been printed! let us keep attempting to root out the nonbelievers and educate the remaining people of this Country!
You can achieve 100% throughput education of the Stupid sheeple, but, what good is it if they dont take any actions toward reversals.
You still think everything you’re doing today and past is working ? really ?
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