In a Republic, the political power is vested in the hands of Representatives of the people,, while in a straight Democracy, the political power is vested in the hands of the ignorant and uniformed masses.
In a democracy, political decisions are determined by the will of the majority, while in a republic, the people are governed by the rule of law.
In a republic people have rights and responsibilities, while in aa democracy people in certain groups are granted privileges and immunities.
In a republic, the rights of the individual are secure, while in a democracy, the people only have privileges that can given and/or taken away.
In a republic, the people own their property, while in a democracy the bankers own virtually everything.
In a republic, the people are individually responsible to take care of themselves, while in a democracy, the government is responsible to provide indiviudals with the necessities of life.
In a democracy, the people are governed by an oligarchy of rich and powerful bankers,, lawyers and Wall Street corporations, while in a republic, the people are governed by the laws of nature and nature's God.
In a republic, the people get to keep the fruits of their own labor, while in a democracy, the wealth of the productive must be shared with the least productive members of society.
In a republic, the representatives are elected by the people serve the people, while in a democracy, the representatives of the people serve themselves and those who fund their elections.
In a republic, the rights of the indivudual are protected by the rule of law, while in a democracy, the individuals is compelled to sacrifices for the greater good of the greater number..
In a republic, the people are governed by Natural Law, while in a democracy, the people are governmed by the law of the jungle.
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