There are only two kinds of people on the earth. Those who are ethical and those who are not. Ethical individuals believe in the principles upon which our nation was founded and believe everyone has the right to be treated equally under law.
They believe everyone of the planet was born with the rights to their life, liberty and property and everyone has a responsibility to respect the lives, liberty and property of everyone else. Ethical individuals would never seek to benefit at the expense of his neighbor while an unethical individual would gladly steal everything could get away with.
Ethical individuals do not believe they are superior to anyone else, they believe in doing what is right because it is right not to gain material wealth at their neighbor's expense. The unethical individual is like a parasite and seeks to live off the production of others. They are predators and have no place in a just society.
We as a people can not be free as long as these predators continue to control the decision making powers of Congress. In my opinion most of the men and women we have elected to serve us a working for the bankers and betrayed us. They lie, cheat and steal in order to serve the bankers and the financial elite.
Sadly, I believe our system of government which created to protect us has been hijacked and we are now debt slaves in a land which once was free. The first step in restoring the American Dream is to understand our government is nothing but a giant crime syndicate and to collective put our collective foot down. We need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Men like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama and the entire Bush Family have proven they are unethical and should be deported or sent to inhabit a planet in a far away galaxy.