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The Constitution Club is not a group or an organization, it is merely a giant storehouse of information for individuals who are searching for answers to the many problems we face in America today. We believe that before we can solve a problems we need to understand who, how and why the American Dream has become a horrendous nightmare.

The goal of this website is provide you with evidence so that you can draw your own conclusions. Unlike the government schools and media who seek to indoctrinate you, we simply want to you to share information that has been hidden from you. There is no Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus only exists in the minds of gullible children.

The American people have been exploited by a gigantic crime syndicate  consisting of rich and powerful families who plan to rule the world and make everyone a perpetual debt slave. The Constitution Club website will provide you with the information necessary for you to an informed decision.

A hungry lion can not eat an elephant all by himself, but an army ants sufficient large can devour the beast in a few minutes. By educating a sufficiently large number of Americans we can end the tyranny and restore the Constitution for the united States.

The website will share over its library of over 10,000 video presentations. We have over 3,000 County groups you can join to help educate the people in your community on the principles of individual liberty and personal responsibility.

We do not require our members to pay anything for the information we provide, but we do ask you to share the website with your family, friends and neighbors. In order to escape the darkness, we need to enlighten our minds with the truth.

Don't make the mistake of believing what the so called experts tell you is true, don't be an obedient lap dog that always does what he is told. Use the brain located between your ears and decide what is ethical. When a law is just you should obey it, but when a law violates an individuals life, liberty or property it is your duty to refuse to comply.

Anyone can visit the website and take advantage of the thousands of videos and articles posted, but only members of the Constitution Club can participate by making comments, asking questions, posting articles and joining groups.

The Constitution is not a single website, it currently is hosting over 3,400 different websites. We will create and host a website for you, which will enable you to share your opinions with all of your friends as well as the 4,200 Members of the Constitution Club. It will cost you nothing to get started. All you need to do is make a commitment to donate $10 per month to the Constitution Club. If interested call Keith Broaders at 951-260-7711.


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