Back in 1776 the American Colonists were divided into three camps. In the first camp were those who remained loyal to King George. In the second camp were those who straddled the fence and remained neutral. The third consisted of courageous individuals who believed in the notion that without liberty they might as well be in shackles and chains.

Thanks to the courageous few who stood up and were willing to risk everything for the opportunity to live free, we have no less than things like the Bill of Rights, etc. These Patriots wanted to create a new nation “conceived in liberty”, where individuals would be able to enjoy the blessings of freedom and title to their property.

Today there are those among us who are willing to give up their liberty in exchange for some security, in the form of insurances and handouts for instance. Remember, “Those who would trade some of their liberties for a little security deserve neither.” – Benjamin Franklin.

These takers look to the government to provide them with everything they need. Whenever the government provides benefits to one, over another it must first take the property of the other. When Joe Shmoe takes something that doesn't belong to him, they call it a crime; when the government steals from another to provide for someone else, they call it charity.

Our Founding Fathers understood this concept and were willing to fight to prevent a repeat of the mistakes made in the Monarchy of old. Today the tyrants in Washington D.C. pick our pockets to enrich themselves, feed the poor and regulate the corporations to fund their re-election. As long as the people remain asleep, the politicians will continue this Socialist agenda; spending our money like drunken sailors.

America was once known as the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave". I am sorry to say we have become the land of the FREE lunch and the home of the tax slave. Unfortunately, almost 50% of the population is on one kind of assistance or another in America. We have become a Socialist Democratic Dictatorship.

As long as we keep re-electing these corrupt traitors, we will keep creating career politicians with tenure willing to rob us blind and keep us in the dark. These career politicians have been picking our collective pockets to buy votes from the dependent 50 % for decades. It is impossible for them to do this without first taking the property of the productive members of society. So remember, “Ye shall reap the harvest of the seeds ye have sown.”

In the Preamble to the Constitution one of the missions of our government is to promote the General Welfare not provide for it. The time has come for all of us to decide; are we Traitors, Cowards or Patriots?

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