This website encourages visitors to decide for themselves what is true and what is not. Unlike government schools where children are taught what to think rather than how to think, it is our goal to get our audience to evaluate evidence and make informed decisions.
When you become a member of a group, you are expected agree with the groups official position in all things. You are discouraged from questioning the leaders of the group and encouraged to show an undying loyalty to the group.
The leaders of the group want their followers believe whatever they are told and to always defend the position of the group no matter what.
We are all individuals who have been given both rights and responsibilities from our Creator. We were given a brain and the capacity to think and draw our own conclusions. The articles posted on this website are not designed to teach you what to think, but rather how to think.
I simply want you to think for yourself and to seek the truth by evaluating the facts so that you can draw your own conclusions based upon your discoveries.
When we join organizations such as political parties, unions and churches a portion of your sovereignty is sacrifice in order to become a member in good standing. When we join a group or accept labels that define us we lose our individual identity.
I am not a liberal or a conservative. I am not a republican or a democrat and I am not a Baptist, a Catholic or a Jew. I believe in God and that I was given the freedom to think, act and believe whatever I want as long as I respect the rights of others to do the same.
In order to be truly free, we must have an open mind and be willing to explore evidence which may contradict the things we have been taught. We must respect the right of others to disagree with us without trying to impose our values on them or to compel them to accept what we believe.
This is a website and not a club. We seek to educate individuals to think for themselves and to respect the lives, liberty and property or everyone on the planet. I encourage anyone that embraces the philosophy to invite their friends to visit the website and to share what you have leaned with others.
Don't put your faith and trust in groups or organizations that will lead to your captivity. Listen to your conscience and never seek to impose your will or opinions on others. You have a right to believe whatever you want as long as you allow everyone else to do the same.
Have the courage to do what is right and avoid doing what other individuals or groups tell you to do. Blind obedience leads tyranny, listen to your conscience and do what is right.
If you believe what I have written please share this article with all of your friends and neighbors.
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