Men and women who question authority are thorns in the sides of tyrants. The government wants the people be obedient lap dogs. We are trained to conform rather than create and told to follow leaders who will do our thinking for us.
This is the recipe that will ultimately lead to the enslavement of a nation. We were all born with a brain and the capacity to discern the truth. A critical thinker questions virtually every he or she hears, evaluates the claims and then draws conclusion based on the evidence. The vast majority of people are playing a game of follow the leader with tragic consequences. Every leader has two faces. One face is the one identifies who they really are and the second is the face of the man they want us to believe they are.
We have become slaves in the land of the free because we simply accept the things we are told without question. Practically everything provided to us by the churches, schools and media are designed to fill our minds with false information in order to keep us in a state of perpetual bondage.