BAR Association Attorneys have been trained to lie, cheat and steal for the benefit on the financial elite whom they represent. They are agents assigned by the bankers to enslave us and steal our property. The attorneys are wordsmiths who twist the meaning of words so that those in power can exploit the masses.
The BAR attorneys only work for those who can afford their services, so in America, justice is for sale to the highest bidder.
We are taught that we have a moral duty to obey all laws that are written without exception. When we obey unjust laws we give our consent to tyranny. It is our right and our duty to refuse to comply with laws that deprive one's life, liberty or property.
The attorneys , are all members of the BAR Association which is nothing more than an International crime syndicate, (not to be confused with the LAWYERS who also unfortunately, must register with the BAR). Justice and equality cannot co-exist in a land where there is a privileged class that can use the law to deprive the people of their God given rights.