The Constitution for the united States created a new government that was to be the servant of the people.
The Constitution was created to govern the government and protect the God given rights of the people.
The people were to be responsible and hold their government officials countable.
The Constitution was written to define what the government can and can not do.The people were to be responsible to supervise their employees and it was their responsibility to follow the rules.
In order for the government to function properly, we need to do our job before we can expect our servants to do their job. It is impossible for us to do our job without knowing the Constitution and the original intent.
None of us would hire a high school drop out to perform brain surgery or someone to referee a football game who did know the rules. We the people can not judge the performance of our employee unless we know the original intent of the men who wrote it..
Those who serve in the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government are all our employees and we have a responsibility to hold them accountable.
. Contrary to what we have been told, the Supreme Court is not the final arbiter of what is and what is not Constitutional for we the people.
Allowing lawyers employed by the bankers to determine what is and what is not Constitutional would be like asking the Oakland Raider's coaching staff to decide when their defensive backs have committed pass interference.
Having an electorate that doesn't know and understand the Constitution is like asking a blind man to lead you through a mine field.