hen the government of the united States was first created with the ratification of the Constitution it was established that all  legislative power was granted to the people through their representatives in Congress. The House of Representatives was to be the People's House and we were assigned the task of holding our elected representative accountable.

Over the past 229 years we have been asleep at the wheel and have allowed our House and its power to be stolen from us. The bankers have employed an army of lawyers and lobbyist representing the Wall Street Corporations to have stolen our House.

The founding fathers knew that in order to maintain control of Congress the people would need to be well represented. We fought in the American Revolution because the British King and Parliament were trampling on our rights and taxing us without representation. Today, our House has been taken over by Congressmen and women and no longer represent the landlords of the People's House.

In order to reclaim our House, the people must demand adequate representation in the Congress. The founders were convinced that in order to inadequate representation would lead to ultimately lead to tyranny.

The first members of the House of Representatives each represented 30,000 people, They proposed an amendment mandating that the maximum number of people that could be represented by a single Congressman could not exceed 50,000. This was the originally proposed First Amendment and although  Congress voted unanimously for it, the amendment failed to be ratified by three-fourths of the states. For the passed 229 years the amendment has been waiting for its ratification.

Eleven states have already ratified the proposed amendment and when 27 more state legislatures vote in the affirmative it will become the 28th Amendment. Only by reducing the size of Congressional Districts can "We the People" be adequately be represented in OUR HOUSE. This is why we need to tell everyone we know in order to regain control of Congress we need ratify the 28th Amendment.

Go to AmericaAgain for more information on how we can regain control of the People's House.

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