One cannot help in restoring our Constitutional Republic unless they have their boots on the ground. It is impossible for us to escape tyranny, if all we do is sit back and wait for others to move the mountain for us.
The first step is to educate oneself on the principles on individual liberty and second step is to set the goal you wish to accomplish. Then you need to develop a plan accomplish your goal. The next step is to created an army of like minded individuals to share your vision and the final step to take action.
Even the longest journey begins with a single step. If you would like escape the tyranny of big government and want to know what you can, please consider joining AmericaAgain!
They have the plan I believe offers the best opportunity to restore the people to their rightful position of supremacy over a corrupt Federal government.
Our voices are not being heard in Washington D.C., so we need to bring our Congressional representatives home where they can serve us rather than representing the bankers, lawyers and lobbyists
If we gave the 10 miles square territory known as Washington DC bank to the states of Maryland and Virginia and we ratified the originally proposed First Amendment we would be well on our restoring a government that serves we the people.