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With the right to vote comes the responsibility of the voter to be informed on the issues and the candidates.

Unfortunately the vast majority of voters don't have the slightest clue who the candidates are and how much money the candidates have received from a political party to fund their campaign.

Where do you think the political parties get their money in the first place? They get the money they need to purchase politicians from the unions and corporations. The billionaires hire millionaires to write the laws to make us their debt slaves.

Politicians are no more than high priced prostitutes working for the financial elite and guess who is getting screwed?

The men and women representing political parties are not our representatives. They have climbed in bed with the enemy and take their marching orders from the financial elite.

It is clear from the most recent election results that in almost every case, the winners were determined by the amount of money that they spent to get elected. The character and integrity of the candidates and their positions on the issues were irrelevant. In my opinion allowing ignorant voters to cast ballots guarantees that the least desirable candidates will always emerge victorious.

As long as the bankers, corporations and unions fund the political parties we will continue to have mock elections where we anoint rulers rather than choosing public servants.

Choosing from a field of candidates who have been chosen by the financial elite is like going to McDonald's to buy a burger. They don't care if you buy a Quarter Pounder with Cheese or a Big Mac, just as long as you make your selection from their menu.

I have decided that I will never again vote for a candidate who has a political party affiliation. I will not support candidates who have accepted campaign contributions from banks, corporations or unions. We will continue to be debt slaves to the financial elite as long as we continue to elect their candidates. We must vote for candidates who represent our values rather than those who owe their allegiance to a political party.

The time has come to choose the most qualified candidates as our public servants instead of allowing the financial institution to pack the House of Representatives with their agents. We must look for alternative methods of selecting our Congressional representatives. I don't think that public servants should be paid. Paying a Congressman nearly $200,000 a year only attracts the greedy individuals who lust for power.

Instead of anointing the banker's choice, we should be selecting men and women of integrity who owe their allegiance to the people and not the corporations who fund their campaigns. Why not select the top five or ten most highly qualified candidates in your district and then randomly select your next Congressman?

This system would take the money out of the politics and take from the financial elite their ability to determine the representatives in Congress.

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