Most of us as children remember hearing the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin who successfully led the children of Hamelin away from the safety of their village.
Today there are charismatic personalities who have been chosen by the media to our lead the people by controlling their thoughts.
Just as the children of Hamelin were lead away into captivity, we too are vulnerable.when we play the dangerous game of follow the leader.
In order to be truly free, we must take personal responsibility for our actions. Putting your faith and trust in someone else to make the decisions for you is a very dangerous proposition.
Since the beginning of time the people of the world have been divided into two classes. The rich and powerful rulers of the world have enslaved everyone else. Virtually every government has a pecking order that makes equality, justice and liberty unattainable.
The ruling class is able to control the people by controlling what they learn in the schools and what they see and hear on the television and the internet.
Many of our modern day heroes were manufactured by the media in order to lead us into accepting a false reality. The voices of those that are speaking the truth are ignored while the phoney friends of liberty promoted.
Joseph Goebbels the Nazi Minister of Propaganda once stated "It it the responsibility of the state to control the formation of public opinion."
Our schools are not centers of learning where our children are educated, they are centers where our children go to be trained to be obedient and to look to their government for solutions to their problems.