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Al Baba was the leader of a band of forty thieves, while Congress is a band of 435 thieves. It is obvious that the thieves working for the billionaires can do a lot more damage than Ali Baba.

We need to throw these criminals in jail, including those who would masquerade as public servants. For every two year term they serve in Congress, they should serve another two years in a state prison. Instead of making our money disappear we should make them disappear. Many of them started out as honest and ethical human beings, but once elected, they converted to the Gospel of the Financial Elite and "Pay to Play".

It is well known that when an individual achieves a position of power their honesty and virtue disappear. The problem is that power corrupts. Like fire, "government is a dangerous servant and a fearful master". When a fire is under control it can cook your food and warm your house, but when it is out of control it can deprive you of your food and burn down your house. We need to control the fire we call Congress. If we don't, it will consume us.

To regain control we first need to reduce the size of Congressional Districts and increase the number of Representatives in the House according to the restrictions described in the originally proposed 1st Amendment, to whit;

"After the first enumeration required by the first article of the Constitution, there shall be one Representative for every thirty thousand, until the number shall amount to one hundred, after which the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall be not less than one hundred Representatives, nor less than one Representative for every forty thousand persons, until the number of Representatives shall amount to two hundred; after which the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall not be less than two hundred Representatives, nor more than one Representative for every fifty thousand persons."

We need to take the power that is currently vested in the hands of 435 career politicians and redistribute that power back to the people and get this amendment passed.

This can be accomplished by creating thousands of new Congressional Districts and electing virtuous men and women like you and I to serve the people in their communities. An amendment that would limit the size of Congressional Districts to no more than 50,000 people, was ratified by Congress on March 25, 1789.

This proposed amendment was the first of twelve submitted to the states for ratification. Twelve states voted to ratify the amendment, but Connecticut failed to submit the paperwork to the Secretary of State so it was not ratified as part of the Bill of Rights.

The amendment is still pending. To be made law, thirty eight states must vote in favor of its ratification. Currently eleven states have already done so and we need 27 more state legislatures to vote on its ratification for it to become the 28th Amendment.

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I have a question. How is this a pending amendment, when the Constitution already requires no more than 30,000 per representative? How can it be both? We need to simply do what the Constitution requires, as it is the the law.

My second question is, if they don't follow the Constitution as it is now, why would we even want an amendment that they won't follow then, either? It would open the door for complete confusion, it seems to me.

Here's your answer Jeanine.

Amendments, at least the first list of proposed amendments were either passed or not passed by the inaugural Congress. The ORIGINALLY proposed 1st Amendment was passed by Congress, but it was NOT freedom of speech. That was the third one at the time. The MOST important item on their list of items to be defined or clarified by the originally proposed 1st Amendment was indeed Article 1,2,3, wherein,

"The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand"

However, this amendment, meant to clarify the words "shall not exceed", and allow for as many as 50,000 people/district, has never gone through the final step of approval by the states. Getting this originally proposed first amendment passed by 3/4 of the current fifty states, (38), is still possible and is the goal of AmericaAgain!; a website belonging to David Zuniga.

Both the original Article 1,2,3 and the originally proposed 1st Amendment, still exist, but as of today, ONLY Article 1,2,3 stands as current law. The amendment is still pending.

And, in answer to your second question, my answer is;

That's a very good question. That is the exact question in fact, that I keep asking David. So far he has not been able to give me a cogent answer and that is why he will either come around, or be left behind.

And you're probably right about the confusion part if you've read the proposed amendment. It is also written in confusing language and still doesn't solve the issue even if it passed AND they would honor it. To put it simply, it's not well written.

I have always said that it's time to MAKE them follow the rules of "Good Behaviour". and finally create Constitutional district limits in every state, that "shall not exceed...thirty Thousand".


Wow. It sure does seem everything is a lie. I have a lot to learn, even Institute on the Constitution does not teach/know these things. I am willing to bet very few do. Not Liberty, not HIllsdale, not Heritage. These seem like the secrets that are still hidden behind closed doors.

Thanks for answering, Morton. You are doing a great service.


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