The two party system has been an horrendous mistake and only the emergence of a viable third party can end the two party tyranny.

There are approximately 256 million American who are eligible to vote, but only 133 million actually voted. There were 79 million people that did not even register to vote and another 44 million eligible voters who didn't bother to participate in the last election. 

It is clear the Republican and Democrat Parties do not represent the best interests of the American people. They collect billions of dollars in contributions from the Wall Street Corporations to hire corrupt politicians  to pass legislation to increase their profits and raise our taxes.

Both the Republican and Democrat Parties are owned and operated by an oligarchy of billionaires and mega Wall Street corporations. The 123  million disgruntled Americans are powerless, unless they abandon the two party system to form a viable third party that will truly defend the Constitution and the principles upon which our nation was founded.

We can sit back and complain and do nothing or we can become tenacious defenders of liberty by becoming  a registered member of the Constitution Party.

The Constitution Party is the only party to represent the financial interests of the people. While the Republican and Democrat Parties represent the Wall Street bankers and Mega Corporations. The Constitution Party does not accept financial contributions from corporations, unions or PACs.

Instead of receiving millions of dollars in financial support from  5 or 10 mega corporations, the Constitution will encourage millions of Americans to donate $5 or $10.

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