This group was created for those members of the Constitution Club who are active participants. It is reserved for those who want to receive our e-mails and want to post their own articles, opinions, comments and/or questions.
Over 4,500 people have joined the Constitution Club and I suspect that the vast majority are members in name only. When we send out emails less than 3% are even opened.
Rather than having 4,500 Summer Soldiers and Sunshine Patriots, I would prefer to have a few hundred dedicated patriots who are willing to get off the couch, roll up their sleeves and take acton.
I am look for individuals who love liberty more than their country. I am looking for individuals who will read our articles and share them with their friends. I am looking for individuals who will share their opinions, comments and questions. I am looking for individuals to study the principles of liberty and the Constitution. I am looking for people who will invite their friends to join our website and those who are willing to donate a few dollars every month to support the Constitution Club.
I would also expect members to consider starting a website for their county.
Keith Broaders
(951) 260-7711
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