Your Dog Needs a License

But Your Elected Officials Don't
Your dog needs a license and so does your doctor, dentist and lawyer. Stockbrokers, insurance agents, accountants and teachers are all required to take tests to prove they are qualified to do their job.
In order to serve in an office of public trust and compensation all elected officials should be certified as Constitutional Scholars.
Giving a just anyyone the right to serve the public would be like hiring a chimpanzee to do brain surgery,
I would like to propose that counties pass an ordinance requiring all candidates running for a public office be to take and pass a test on their Constitutional knowledge.
Any individual that wishes to run for an office of public trust should be required to be certofied as a Constitutional Scholar. The names of all persons in a district that are qualified as a Comstitutional Scholars should have their names put in a hat and the name of the candidate drawn will be chosen to fill the vacant seat.