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Lawyers are professional wordsmiths and those hired by the Federal government by the Wall Street bankers and Corporations.It is their job to convince Congress that the Constitution was written to create a government with the power to do whatever Congress believed was necessary and proper.

The Constitution says what it says and means what it meant on the day in was written. Like a contract, it can only be changed through the amendment process.

Today, the Constitution is amended  when Congress passes a low that violates the Constitution, when the President refuses to veto it and when the Supreme Court  they pass laws that are unconstitutional, or when the President issues decisions that have the force of law.

The job assigned to a Congressional lawyer is to interpret the Constitution in a way that will allow the bankers to control the people and confiscate spend their money as fast as possible.

The Constitution was written to protect the lives, liberty and property of the people, not regulate their lives and to take from some to give to others.



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gentlemen i mine and sell gold . it is a business like raising food. But to buy and sell gold is marginal at best, most likely  losing proposition. its tradable. If i need say a 4 wheeler  it at this time is worth  more than the dollar > but not to keep< use it to trade with for food  or buy nuesmatic silver coins.

food, clothes,> toilet paper (Now   theres an item worth talking about)  

I was thinking more in terms of replacing carrots and sticks (the currency between boss and employee) with a work and accomplishment history, sort of a working passport... and that includes history of necessary basic school work, housework (including child welfare and security by parents and community), beyond basic school training for work (such as apprenticeships), etc. similar to all work beneficial for society as stepping stones to American citizenship and the wonderful benefits that come with it.

One industry most forgotten in these think tank sessions is waste. As i sad in my former post

Toilet paper can be a major part of reclaiming a failing infrastructure system.

the rebuilding of the proverbial outhouse so to speak.  What goes in must come out. The real complexities of a world with out technologies. electric generation, clean water, bees, fruit trees, wild plants for food. the keeping of food for storage etc.

I know my mind is outreaching but gentlemen i  have lived this situation, and i only see  a trail fraught with rabbiy holes for many many people..

...I don't know about that Quisno ...I don't think snakes poop, and if they do it ain't much relative to what they intake.

good man  i will be looking at the fish issue here. today we will try to catch salmon then we will take a radiation detector and see if they are irradited if not we will have a BBQ.

Please let us know what the radiation levels are. I very much want to know. I saw a report on the internet of the radiation levels on the beaches in CA and they are very high. 500 in some places. Most of the fish sold in supermarkets is from China or Thailand. The levels there I would estimate are higher due to the fall out. If you shop at WalMart you got to know that most of the food you are buying is from China. And the meat you don't know where it is from. The Chinese just bought a huge pig farm and processing plant in the Midwest USA. They are very dirty living people and that is why they have stuff like bird flu. Do you really trust them with the food they sell us. Do you think they really care about our health. Bundy should have taught us one thing. The Chinese are displacing us because our Govt. sold us out to the Chinese during Clintons reign which has been passed through the Skull and Bones society ever since. Look at Frankenstein Kerry. It's all part of the plan to bring down America and get rid of Americans.

Now your talking Marty. I hope lots of people in my area in GA are doing that too. I also deal with an HOA like many so the best I can do is organic gardening. I was a big city girl most of my life so this is all new to me but I am learning. We are going to need to barter and sell to survive after the initial onslaught is over. Hopefully we will be left with our lives and to survive the best we can. Anyone who is not already prepared is probably not going to make it at this point., But not to mean you can't try to do as much as you possibly can. Everyday we have is another day to prepare ourselves. Amen?

People our bees are dying off . Monsanto is part of the mega Corporate control grid. General electric wants to destroy the coal fire plants and build over 100 new Nuke powerplants in this country.

Are you scared yet? Or are we like the chemical fed people of this nation who has had all of their thinking brain cells  eliminated by GMO?

Or a group of people in charge of the towns water allows E- Coli to enter its water system because of excuses.

The Chlorine which they put in has no effect on the E-coli but it kills the new Vegtable plants in their infancy, all  while theres water just below the surfac but hey have made it illegal to use that ground water to water the plants.

Now i dont want to hear the water testing theory because this town is built on Lime Stone the best filter in the world.

OK lets review this post. We the people until we admit that man has problems governing himself and then address common sense `will always be under the administrations of his own ignorance continuing until he decides to invent once more self determination of his needs and goals and the visceral fortitude to enact those positions and goals > Until then we the  people? we are totally  screwed ..

Ah may I say that our company went to Pennsylvania to repair some old leak1ng oil wells over 100 years old and found that they gad replaced the water with hydrocarbons called oil. All oil is Abiotic which means that the earth with the use of those hydrocarbons made a gareous material under the mantel and as time and pressure created cracks in the upper structure > Wallah!   oil was formed.

  The oil conglomeration would have you believe that all oil comes from dead animals but alas we found no such critter.    no we are the results of Elite Quackery and we manifest the results of their education to us through our ignorance. 

there are light panels that are made    from LED   which produce the proper frequency to charge the panels at night.

The black boxes I have on You tube for heat using aluminum cans painted black is an option.

the tank , 1000 gal buried in the ground half in and half out (insulated) the bottom  graveled and tilted toward a outlet( screened). a simple diapfram pump to pump the  material to a heating area. a wood stove out side with large tubes for water to be pumped through to catch the heat then sent through black pvp pipe  under the ground in side the green house  at 18" to 2 feet deep   then a temp control in side to operate the    circulation pump.

any water or streams a simple 200 amp truck alternator hooked to a wheel of sorts  in a enclosed unit to make power for the house.

that's in YOU tube also  also see what wild plants grow in your area for food and minor medical. Water cress  for heavy toxin removal even with iodine and zeolite removes most nucleoids. there's much to get done to be ready.

Bitcoin is like a rare metal out of one mine except in electronic or ultimately "melted" form, once fully "excavated" its value can be endlessly subdivided (or diluted) by ponzi schemes and/or an endless supply of new "mines" or shitcoins with flatulence can be created.  Hence ponzi schemes within ponzi schemes would grow exponentially, people at less than half way down the first ponzi scheme or by the fifth "mine" will beg to be slaves... by then only some of the dead will know the history of money and significantly fewer of them will understand it, but they won't be able to pull the plug.

You're right 5War, that's why my hope beyond all hope is (with the assistance of trains, apple pie and mom) to solve and above all repair this issue once and for all, before ALL of OUR FUTURE on earth is pulled into that rabid hole.


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