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Lawyers are professional wordsmiths and those hired by the Federal government by the Wall Street bankers and Corporations.It is their job to convince Congress that the Constitution was written to create a government with the power to do whatever Congress believed was necessary and proper.

The Constitution says what it says and means what it meant on the day in was written. Like a contract, it can only be changed through the amendment process.

Today, the Constitution is amended  when Congress passes a low that violates the Constitution, when the President refuses to veto it and when the Supreme Court  they pass laws that are unconstitutional, or when the President issues decisions that have the force of law.

The job assigned to a Congressional lawyer is to interpret the Constitution in a way that will allow the bankers to control the people and confiscate spend their money as fast as possible.

The Constitution was written to protect the lives, liberty and property of the people, not regulate their lives and to take from some to give to others.


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you see Dan even marty agrees  The only conclusion i can see is that we all must be terrorists.

i have an answer take this Country reinstall the republic. And make Corporations as entities illegal  only to be used as was originally intended> the coming together of individuals making  corporation to do  large money jobs when the job is done the corportion is done.people get their profits and go elsewhere.

Marty the Government is telling ICE to release all illegal immigrants which are in prisons and jails for Killing, Rape and other such things.20 thousand + is to be let go. In Virginia HLS and mlitary are training for control > control of who when th buildings look american not Arab.

Corporations control the narrative in this country CBS,NBC,FOX  CNN (CIA) Corporate owned.   And Santa Clara VS SPR was the attemptinmg of the Supreme Court to lesson the impact of Barron VS Baltimore.

States rights are still available but one must take the effort to assert them the 14th took the rights and made them  privileges. this must be countered  by the individuals awareness of the difference.

I know ther are over 100 thousand that's been released but i have problems getting people to even contemplate those numbers.

I am a posse member i have the means to protect my and others . its important to have the right people in law enforcement first then work on the city councils and the County commissioners. then work on the people get them civically minded luckily i have only 216 sheep to herd. in this town.

yep, greed = addiction of the worst kind.

The LOVE of money is the root of evil, not money itself.

...and like cold blooded animals political prostitutes get most of their energy from the outside, except the sun is a cold blooded animal's major controller or "brain", that's why cold blooded animals don't have one, they are God's creatures and pose no danger whatsoever to We The People, on the contrary they filter and clean all natural weaknesses and waste.

Today's politicians are no comparison, their so called brain is "warmed" above all by money (hence factual understanding and information is secondary and in time contradictory) and that's how their heart gets "warmed"... similar to reverse osmosis; the contaminated brain becomes the driving force for the body... eventually many of us, or larger portion of We The People, that are barely strong enough to resist the effects of "that contamination" become angry enough to act not unlike God's other creatures going after a chicken, the problem is this chicken is deceptive, by the time they realize where SHTF is coming from the chicken has a dinosaur for a body guard ...and there are some of us, or the smaller portion of We The People, who recognize those symptoms soon enough to step on the artificially powered chicken way before it becomes an artificially powered dinosaur... the one and only solution is to keep artificial ingredients (or money) out of the chicken soup.

Money is the FUEL for the root of all evil, greed is it's first symptom!

political prostitutes = vampires, a direct opposite of "a working girl" prostitute.

Bravo---- Keith----- At least a prostitute may gave you some pleasure, the vipers in that nest in D.C. the MBA, Rattle Snakes, Cobra, etc. all they want to do is poison us and destroy our nation. They will Fear the Masters at the last Judgement He. 9:27, Mt 10:28, Rev 20:10-15               .


Are you refering to a specific individual? if so, who?

OAS  operation american spring dont be surprised if bad things happen. there will be many government agents in that march.


You are exactly right, trust no one at anytime on any subject unless you, personally know them well!  How many of your realize the PR, marketing and scamming that the government did back in the 70s regarding the environmental pollutant fluoride that now is in our water and our to.paste.  I would ask each of you to go to and read his article; corruption goes way back to W. Wilson and has only gotten worse.  Our government is perhaps the least trustworthy in the world because other countries are well aware of what their governments are about and are not - it is made plain to them!


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