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Is a Muslim who respects the life, liberty and property of others (including women) more righteous than a Christian who doesn't?

In order to belong to a church in good standing, an individual must accept the doctrines of that particular church. Individuals who citizens are subject tot he jurisdiction of the state and members of a organized religion are subject to the jurisdiction or priests and pastors.

God would not want us to be slaves to a government or a church. I believe we should be individually responsible to think and act independently. We need to get in touch with our conscience and obey that still small voice.

Choosing one church over another is like choosing between political parties. In my opinion organizations are created to bring people together, but instead they divide people who subject to the mentality to of those who control the group.

A religion is consists of what one believes to be true regarding duties and responsibilities to one another. Religion is the rule book which defines what is right and what is wrong and governs our behavior. We don't need a man in a stiff collar to tell us what or how to think.

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Is a Muslim who respects the life, liberty and property of Non-Muslims more righteous than a Christian who doesn't?    The answer is self-evident.

one has to wonder at your premise as a christian who doesn't respect  the life, liberty and property of others can hardly be called a Christian.  Only God can judge here.  But a true Christian is always more righteous than any other because he is clothed with the righteousness  of his Savior.  That is the essence of Christianity.  As the hymn writer most eloquently wrote "Jesus thy blood and righteousness, thy beauty are my glorious dress"  A Christian doesn't do good things  to become righteous but he does good things because of the righteous given to him as his thank you note to God.


An individual who is a true Christian believes in the principles of liberty and individual responsibility and demonstrates their faith by the way they believe. Many of those calling themselves Christians worship their God with their lips but their actions speak louder than their words. Anyone who identifies himself as a Christian who violates the life, liberty or property of others is not a disciple of his religion.

An individual who is a devoted follower of Islam believes it is his duty to punish people who reject the teachings of Mohammed. Christians believe the Creator endowed everyone with the freedom of to choose and the Muslims believe it is their responsibility to compel everyone to accept what they believe.

An individual can not be a true follower of Islam if they believe that all men are created equal and that we were all endowed by our Creator with the right to life, liberty and property. A man can not be a true Christian if they advocate the initiation of force to compel others to think or act in a certain way.

You sir,  are absolutely right!

Let me quote Paul in Romans: 3:10 (if you're curious read the entire Epistle(letter) to the Romans

"As it is written there is none righteous, no not one" Paul was paraphrasing Ecclesiates 7:20.

The only inherent righteousness humans have is "Self Righteousness" and WE all know what trouble

self righteousness leads to...

Which is why we all should accept Messiah Yahshuah's (Christ Jesus) sacrifice as the atonement for our sins. and cover ourselves with the Righteous Blood of Messiah Yahshuah (Christ Jesus)

here endeth the epistle ..go in peace 


A righteous Muslim is like an intelligent moron.

A Christian who helps to fund abortions and wars of aggression is an enemy of God.

"A rose by any other name........." & "actions speak louder than words" !  This is why my husband & I no longer call ourselves "Christians", but "believers" & follow no organized religion. MANY crimes have been committed in the name of righteous Christians & it has a bloody, brutal past.  As long as you believe in a higher power & do no harm to anyone, call your God by any name you choose. All Muslims are not represented by "Islamists" & the "Brotherhood", just like all Christians are not represented by the "Westboro Baptist Church".

Well said Bonnie, I guess we are members of the same Church as Thomas Paine. Having a belief in God does not require us to join a church. A church is like a corporation, it is a man made fiction designed to control the sheep. Governments seek to control the bodies of men while churches seek to control their minds. When we join groups we become collectivists and abandon our responsibility to think and act for ourselves. 

I understand you completely Bonnie.

As you have pointed out many "fake" Christians have done (and continue to do) terrible things

"in the Name of the Lord". These are the people Paul spoke of in 1st Corinthians...

"...Having a form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof.."

Or as YAHWEH (GOD has a name) says "..These people praise me with their lips, but their

hearts are far from me..."  Myself personally I use the term True Christian.

Remember Jesus Christ tells us HIS brothers and sisters are those who do the will of the Father.


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