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I don't know if there is a hell, but if there is I am sure that there is a place in hell reserved for the Christians who believe  a woman should have the right to terminate the  life of her unborn child and the doctors who perform the abortion.

The innocent child in the womb is not a malignant tumor or a unwanted wart, it is a precious human beimg with the right to life,

The lives of over 650,000 babies are discarded every year like unwanted garbage. Hitler terminated the lives of over six million Jews, while the abortion doctors have claimed the lives of over 63 million lives since 1973.

While public support for legal abortion has fluctuated somewhat in two decades of polling, it has remained relatively stable over the past several years. Currently, 63% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 36% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.

  •  85% of Democrats and Indepemdents overwhelmingly say abortion should be legal in all or most cases.
  • By comparison, 41% of Comservatives and Republicams are far less likely to say abortion should be legal in all or most cases. However, two-thirds of moderate and liberal Republicans still say it should be.

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All men and women have the right to choose many things, but a pegnant woman does not have right to terminate the life of her husnand or any other human being.

When fertilization takes place a new human life begins, It makes sense that a woman has a right to choose what to have for breakfast or what kind of clothes she wants to wear, but she does not have the right to choose to kill an her unborn baby.

An unborn baby is not simply a clump of tissue. it is a  living breathing human being with the same rught to life  as its parents.

When a man kills his pregnant wife he is charged with two counts of murder. Why would he be guilty of two murders iif the unborn child was not a human?

If a human life begins at comception the child's right to life begins on the day it was conceived.


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