There was a time when we had Peace Officers, but today they have been replaced with Law Enforcement Officers. Originally the County Sheriff defended the Constitution and the lives, liberty and property of the people in their county.
Now that the states, counties an have been incorporated, they have become become revenue collectors. Instead of defending the Constitution they are spending the bulk of their time enforcing rules, regulations, codes, ordinances and statutes while they fail to honor their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.
I blame obamafor many things. Division, militarization, classism, racism, Biden, clinton for sexism among other crimes and misdemeanors, but in the end, this is a spiritual battle, brought about by the complete destruction of American standards and ideals of hard work, responsibility, facilitated by schools at all levels.
I teach, and I have never before in almost 20 years, had to deal with students who have never learned how to learn.
In one class and within 2 weeks, had plagiarism, manipulation, from one. From another, he can't get off his iPad where he is constantly looking for some 3d software to show him how to construct perspective. I kept telling him, put pencil to paper and construct, using your own mind. He grasps nothing of what I am saying, and tried to say I told him he could use his high-school work, given away by his use of the word "kind-a", as I "kind-a told him he could do this. I about blew a gasket.
Aside from my personal rant, this is also the result of AG 21/30/40, with regionalism at the helm. Everything that we are seeing is about the end-times global marxist destruction of sovereign. Of course, if we do not have our nation-state, we no lonnger are sovereign persons either and are dispensable.
their puppets putting the blame on specific people makes no sense there all a bunch of greedy bastards!
Welcome to the Police State instead of the Militia Republic. Community rule instead of the extended family support structure.
We must keep in mind that every private contractor are just that security for hire that hold no licenses for any weapons or authority over the people we give them power only by lack of knowledge if we the people where to understand that they hold no authority over us as whole these brain washed idiots wouldn’t mess with us but since we are in the land of the SHEEPLY their authority stands and you have so many that want to stay in LA LA LAND and don’t want to come to know reality but we must also understand that one man or women can make a difference cause information is contagious....those who are conscious need to either by choice take control of the trust account or dissolve it and change one’s status and live in the private away from these corrupt leeches.
Our leaders, those imposed on us by the international bankster/Vatican crime syndicate, have determined we don't need no stinking peace officers. What we need is a large contingent of heavily armed and testosterone laden police officers to enforce public 'policy' [hence the name 'police' emerges]. The public policy these minions are enforcing are the terms of the Federal and State governments' bankruptcy. They are the strong arms paid to commit violence against the people at the behest of the judges, attorneys, and CPAs who are charged with foreclosing on the property of those governmental bodies.
And just what property are they foreclosing on? Everything registered in THEIR straw men's names that we, by the sweat of our brows, bought and paid for. Why would any but the dumbest of the dumb ever believe that the police are there to protect you. They are mere armed highway men out on the bricks harvesting the energy of the people for their Mafia Creditors. Most of them are small minded, with small egos and and are provided a gun and a badge to make up for their self perceived small genitalia.
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