Eleven of our first 13 Presidents owned slaves and Woodrow Wilson, Warren Harding and Harry Truman were once members of the KKK. These Presidents believed that all white men were created equal and that people of African descent were not entitled to the rights afforded to whites. All of these men judged by today's standards, would be considered white supremacists based on their then performance.
One historian noted that Lee separated slave families, something that prominent slave-holding families in Virginia such as Washington and Custis did not do. In 1862, Lee freed the slaves that his wife inherited, but that was in accordance with his father-in-law's will.
The Emancipation Proclamation freed no one. Instead, no one is free. Knowledge is the best deterrent to slavery of any kind. We now live in a time of slavery of the mind.
This from The Chronicle of Akakor, the written history of the earliest origin known, approx. 10,481 B.C.
"This is the Story. The history of the Chosen Servants. In the beginning all was chaos. Men lived like animals, without reason, and without knowledge, without laws and without tilling the soil, without clothing themselves or even covering their nakedness. They knew nothing of the secrets of nature. They lived in groups of two or three, as accident had brought them together, in caves or rock crevices. They walked on all fours until the Gods arrived: They brought the light."
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