When we were born we were like blank floppy disks. We were programmed by our parents and our surrounding environment. What we do, and who we become depends upon what we are taught. Whatever we believe becomes our reality. As human beings we have the right to accept the things we are taught or consider other possibilities.
We were born with a brain and the right to determine what is and what is not true. Those who are blindly obey run the risk of following doctrines and principles that will often time lead to their own destruction.
For thousands of years most people believed that the earth was flat and that the earth was in the center of our solar system. Practically everyone realizes that some of the things we have believed in the past are simply not true.
Reason tells me that there is a God, but is the Bible the word of God or is it a story written by men to explain God? Heaven and Hell are the rewards and punishments used to motivate people to do what is right.
If God wanted us simply to obey why did he give us free agency? Did he give us a conscience to help us make virtuous decisions? If there is no heaven or hell people would have no incentive to do what is right. I choose to do what is right because it is right, my reward comes from knowing that I am living in harmony with the laws of nature and nature's God..
When a man who is obedient in all things is a slave. A man who does what is right without being motivated by potential threats or rewards makes the world a better place.