The income tax is a direct and un-apportioned tax and is and always has been, unconstitutional. The compensation that you receive from your labor is not a gain and therefore, not income by definition. In fact, income is the profit one receives from being a government employee or from profits from corporate activity. If a man pays you in watermelons for mowing his lawn, are the watermelons considered taxable income?
The fruits of one's labor are the product of one's time and talent and this is not the same thing as income. Whether your compensation comes in the form of watermelons or dollars, it really doesn't matter. Neither the watermelons nor the dollars that you receive as a result of your labor, are income.
For further evidence to support this I direct you to other articles such as;
Income Taxes are a Direct Unapportioned Tax
The National Debt and The CAFR
Income Taxes are Unconstitutional
Taxation Without Representation
Comments? Questions? Replies? Links?
I find it easier to draw people into a discussion when I am not challenging their opinion, but rather asking why they formed their opinion so that I may better understand them and their point of view. That's how to start a more positive discussion, rather then make declarations that are counter point in being derisive and a put down. It's the fine art of discussion rather then a superior intellectual put down. There is a difference. Forum's are for discussions, not necessarily debate's. I believe that is the spirit of Keith opening up this whole Constitution Club concept.
The law is clear that the accused does not have to 'prove' anything. All they have to do is 'deny', [ research jurisdictional challenge ] then the law orders the plaintiff [ state ] to prove you are a fed citizen and if they cannot or will not, the law orders the judge to dismiss.
If you understand that all the constitutional courts are closed and that the current courts totally lack any authority to hear a case concerning a state-only citizen [ and why ], it opens the door for a double challenge. "I deny being a 'citizen of the United States' [ fed gov ] therefore this court lacks the power to even entertain hearing the facts associated with anything pertaining to me."
"Once jurisdiction is challenged it MUST be proven.' This wording is universal in both the state and fed codes and even in a lot of case history.
That is the well established law. Reality is quite different. Expect the person in the black dress to claim your lawful challenge is a mere motion and then claim the right to simply dismiss it and move forward to conviction expecting you to fall in line, thus giving the court the appearance of authority.
Your option then is to appeal or move forward on a writ of error on the basis of a due process violation. Yes, the judge will knowingly ignore the law because their job mandates it. If they followed the law, the State Justice Institute or National Center for State Courts would order them removed.
Yes, all courts today are controlled by agencies in DC. It really is that corrupt.
All one can hope to do is set up the challenge well enough to set the judge up for a later damage suit for denying you a right secured by a constitution.
And the founders gave us a solution for corruption too, it was titled the 2nd amendment, and it was put in place not to put food on the table, but everyone here knows damn good and well why it was placed immediately after the 1st too! To back up that powerful 1st amendment, these men put their lives on the line for us, and here we are f'ing up the whole of what they gifted us with. The founders aren't just turning in their graves, they are spinning like high speed centrifuges in Iran damn it, and Hilarity let a Canadian Company buy up 20% of all Uranium we mine in our country be exported to the Canadian company who then sold it to Russia, who then sold via trade for oil to Iran.
Now that's corruption by it's very definition, and since Iran hates us, and when they do finish their nuclear weapons up, they can then bomb us and our allies with our own nuclear fuel, I call that treason, and none here can call it good for America. Hilarity did this knowingly, and she did this while being the Secretary of State and gave it her clearance, which leads to me asking the following question: Just how much did the Clinton Foundation make off of the approval of this Uranium deal? Pretty good question I'd say. Did she include a Beryllium deal in the package to go along with the rest of the package? It makes for an excellent neutron reflector/emitter as a urchin, a source of neutrons when bombarded by alpha particles, it acts to urge on the chain reaction, but none of this is top secret anymore, any student of Physic's knows this stuff, it's really necessary when working with element 239. Iran isn't yet working with U239, but when they are, this is when they will need the Beryllium. I get the feeling Hilarity knows more on this subject then perhaps I do.
Thanks Linda, digging all of this up and exposing it so that others can see it before it's wiped out in the lame stream media is hard to do, network television is where I first heard about this U.S. Uranium deal to this company in Canada, tha corporation bought the rights to 20% of our uranium mining deal being sold off to our northern neighbors, who then resold our uranium to the Russian's who then resold it to Iran. I know this made major media outlets here in the States. But the Clintons have accumulated enough wealth to get away with covering their ASSES , emphasis mine, to really do some damage to us as a nation given that they are completely sold out. Traitors is too small a phase to use lightly, Hilarity must be feeling the pressure now after she restrained the press behind ropes during her parade in New Hampshire after her 4th of July parade.
Actually they recognized and secured that right [ right to own guns ] to the citizens of the states and true territories. I have a long case where it is claimed the SCt has stated the right is also inherent under 14th citizenship. I have not read it yet.
If that is true, that nullifies almost all gun laws in the states and even DC. No concealed carry permits required. Right to carry even for 'ex' felons, at least for non-violent ones.
If a person prone to violence has a gun, they are still going to be careful about using it if everyone else does also. The mentally ill will generally find a way to get guns and target the ones without them.
By the way, contrary to common belief, the 2nd, being part of the fed constitution, has never applied to the states - it was for the territories. Each state has its own constitution, which secures to their citizens this same right.
If the IRS would follow the law, then the right to deny being a person subject to the tax would still be the correct way to go. Please understand, the general agent is totally ignorant of the laws. They are given rules to follow and that is as far as they are trained.
If you deny being a 'citizen of the United States' to them, they will be clueless because their gov indoctrination is that everyone is is a 'US citizen'. They will have no clue about two forms of citizenship.
You might try working directly with the legal dept. Yes, their job is to rob you, but at least they are suppose to know what you are talking about. There is a man on a discussion group that I am a member of that claims to have been holding IRS at bay for many years. If you are comfortable giving me your e-mail I can put you in touch with him. Do you know Eric Rhodes and have is e-mail? He as mine and could send your to me.
First of all Bill, I am NOT that man, and I have never claimed to be holding off any motions by any agency of the Government as I am not under any current thumb of a court or agency, not to my direct or indirect knowledge.
My soul claim to fame, if that is even applicable, is yes I disbarred a lawyer for being a thief, and I won that one as well as his conviction for aggravated theft in the first degree, and another lawsuit that was connected with that charge. I don't recall anyone I know directly, and personally, who can lay claim to such a hold off of the IRS. Other then that that's all I can comment on because I haven't any idea of who you might be referring too. Larkin Rose, is a guy who I have heard of and he went to prison for tax evasion, served his time, and rallied forth against them to this very day, his work can be found by looking up his video's on line at youtube using his name, I don't know him nor have I ever met him, but he's a knowledgeable man, and his video's are very good.
No, I never said you were that man. I simply said that if they did not want to post their e-mail and know you, you can get it to me.
The name of the man is JD from a Yahoo group I belong to.
I don't belong to any Yahoo groups and I don't know anyone with those initials either. Oh well, you tried to hook up Mike.
Please refer to, a websiite w/explanations re the income tax starting w/sec. 83 by David Mryland. There is much to grasp re FMV of labor in the market place.
Posting the same message twice is simply cluttering the board up, unnecessarily. Thanks for the message though.
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