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It is well known that a servant cannot serve two masters. No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate one and love the other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

The men and women elected to Congress must owe their allegiance to the voters or to their political party. Those who are elected have an obligation to repay their political party for helping them to get elected.

The political parties are agents of the financial institutions and corporations that fund the elections. Many Republicans are celebrating what on the surface seemed to be a major victory. But, as usual it was the bankers and not the people who scored the victory in the midterm elections.

As long as the members of Congress owe their allegiance to a political party rather than the people, we will continue to be exploited by the financial elite. Unfortunately, those elected to serve the people represent the financial interests of those who provide them with the funds they need to get elected.

Political Parties divide the people into groups that seek to pick the pocket of the members of the rival party before their pockets are picked. 

According to Frederic Bastiat the government which participates in "taking from some to give to others", is participating in legalized plunder. 

In the United States we elect men and women to represent the bankers. We continue to elect individuals who are servants of the financial institutions responsible for getting them elected. We need to elect individuals without political party affiliations and I have decided that I will not vote for anyone who has a political party affiliation. When you vote for a politician you are only choosing who you want to steal your money and your liberty. No matter who you choose, you lose.

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Please share this blog with everyone you know. Share it on Facebook and Twitter and every other social networking platform.

Why would an individual pay millions of dollars to get elected to a job that pays less than $200,000 a year? Why would financial institutions invest millions of dollars to get a candidate elected to Congress? Do you think the funding from corporations comes with strings attached?

Excellent point.....

Only the people can save America

Patricia, Do you know where there is access to a jpeg of that spider web diagram? I love that photo and would like to put it on a T-Shirt transfer. I really think it would be a good conversation piece. Thanks Rosanna Ohio

Where did I post it?  It's not on the You Tube I posted

The spider web government organizational pic in this video you posted above.

I want a still photo to print. Thanks

Maybe you can get it from National Liberty Alliance. I didn't create the video so I wouldn't be able to edit. 

if you ever find a still shot send it my way. thanks


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