THE ELECTION OF 1800 Revealing the Ugly Truth The United States was and Still is an Oligarchy of rich, white men |
138 electoral votes of the Electoral College |
Turnout Out of a population of 5,308,483 only 67,282 voted for either Thomas Jefferson or John Adams. The votes in that election were cast by less than 2% of the total population. So, the candidate elected only represented the 2% who voted not the 98% who didn't. Some were not eligible, some just didn't vote, but no matter, it is plain to see that it doesn't take a very high percentage of the people's votes to get elected. |
The men we call the Founding Fathers were all rich, white men who represented other rich, white men who met in Philadelphia in 1787 to created a government that would protect these men and their posterity from foreign nations and the majority of the uneducated and uniformed masses. The men who were elected to serve became the rules rather than the servant of the people at large.
The Constitution was written of, by and for the rich, white man and their posterity
The Constitution did not create a new nation, it created a system of government for the union of North American colonies. The objective of the Constitutional Convention was to create a more perfect union, not to dissolve the Union of states and create an all powerful nation state.
The constitution created a new and different gov body from the states that has always been under old civil roam law. This new gov body was suppose to be the glue that held the several states together as a union. It has never been given the power to rule the states as if they were mere fed districts the way it has done for many decades.
The Constitution was the rulebook written to govern the government. The states created the Constitution and wrote the rules. The states delegated to government a short list of delegated powers and retained all power that were not delegated to Congress and the President.
The United States constitution was the charter by which the United States / fed gov was created. In that constitution the United States was [ not were ] granted certain powers and responsibilities.
The states surrendered certain powers and duties to this now gov body, but the states were created by their own constitutions and were independent sovereign entities from the fed gov because the states gave the United States almost no power over them and even less over their citizens.
What we have today with the United States being the sovereign over everything and everyone is something that has taken place outside our constitutional system. I do not think it is incorrect to state that what we have now can only have happened under communist controlled United States military occupation of the several states of the union.
1st, the legal meaning of the name "United States" means only one thing - the fed gov and has nothing to do with the several states of the union. The United States / fed gov has always been under municipal or old Roman civil law and has never had a republican system of gov.
What if the several states have been under communist controlled United States / fed military occupation since the early 1950? That is certainly the conclusion that all the facts I have come up with come to.
The word united is an adjective describing the proper noun States, The adjective describes the proper noun.
The UNITED STATES is a corporation, while the united States of America is a country.
The United States is a political entity created by the fed constitution and included DC and other areas under its authority. It happens to also be incorporated.
The United States of America is another generic term for all things American but it was discovered over 20 years ago to be a corporation with stock holders.
Fed cases are prosecuted in the name of the United States of America which does not exist as a place or constitutionally created gov entity but only as some mysterious corporation.
Where is the authority created in any constitution for a citizen to be able to be prosecuted by a mere corporation whether it is gov created or private?
Please state where. In the constitution the fed gov was given the name "United States". There is much case history on the name wherein the courts have made it clear that it is a generic term for the union of states. In Downs v Bidwell 1901 the judges in their discussion go into great detail to give the correct usage of the noun. In many of the 14th cases the courts also try to make the correct usage of the proper noun known.
Before the Articles of Confederation, there was no such place as the United States. The united states were places - not a place.
Going back the the 14th amendment cases, the courts made it clear that before the 14th there was no such thing as a citizen of the United States - there were only citizens of the individual states. When one understands the true nature of the United States, it becomes clear why the framers forbid the United States to have permanent citizens under its control.
Just as a side bar, something I'm sure you're quite aware of. The "United States" officially has 6 definitions. So it can easily be misused and abused for nefarious ends. That's all.
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