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Not a Dime's Difference

Hitler, Stalin  and Obama were agents of the International Bankers to create a New World Order that would enable them to control everything and everybody.

The Wall Street bankers don't want you to know that the Bolshevik Revolution and the Rise of Nazi Germany were largely financed by American corporations.

How was Hitler able to seize control of the minds of the German people?  He and his Joseph Goebbels were masters  propaganda and were  able to control the masses by controlling what the people believed was true.

They did this by controlling the media and the schools. Hitler appealed to emotion rather than reason and was able to brainwash the people into believing that he was the savior of the German people.

He took down the Weimar Republic when his agents burned down the Reistag and blamed the Communists and Jews for the fire  in order to stir up racial hatred. He used the fire as an excuse to pass the Enabling Act in order to give him dictatorial power to protect the people from those he considered to be enemies of the state.

Then Hitler made the  possession of guns illegal and began his reign of terror. The Nazi Party controlled the media the what the party wanted the people to believe. They also controlled the schools and what the children were taught to believe.

The people were taught to literally adore the Fuhrer and that dissent in any form was treason. The people of Nazi Germany were deceived very much like the American people are today.

911 was our Reistag Fire than enabled the deep state to strike fear into the hearts of the people. Middle Easterners were blamed for the crime, which lead to the willingness of the people to allow Congress to steal our liberty in exchange for security.

The parallels between rise of the Third Reich in  Nazi Germany and the rise of Socialism in the United States is compelling. 

Is it possible that the same International Bankers that financed both Hitler and Stalin would make another attempt to enslave the world by utilizing many of the same strategies? 

Is the possible that the government created to protect our lives, liberty and property is become a tool in the hands of the financial elite to turn our republic into a democracy?

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Image result for hitler quotations big lie

When was Hitler ever reasonable with ANYONE?


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