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Nulllificationof the 17th Amendment

According to the Declaration of Independence the people have a right to gibe their consent and also a right to withdraw their consent when they feel it is necessary.

 If a state legislature feels that the ratification of the 17th  Amendment was a mistake, they have a right to correct the error by rescinding their previous ratification vote.

The Tenth Amendment clearly states that powers not delegated to the government of the United States that are not prohibited to the states are reserved to the states and to the people.

Because the states are not prohibited from rescinding their previous ratification vote, it is a right that is reserved to them.

States have voted for or against ratification have in the past changed their position many times. It has happened n the case of the 13th, 14th, 15th and 17th amendments.

The Supreme Court and Congress have no lawfully authority to prevent the states from exercising their right to change position. Article V mandates that no state can be denied their equal suffrage in the senate without their consent. This 17th Amendment clearly violates this provision in Article B.

The power to decide whether or not the 17th Amendment is or is not Constitutional is a decision that should be made by the states not by a panel of unelected,  politically appointed partisan politicians. 

Thirteenth Amendment

New Jersey: January 23, 1866 (after rejection March 16, 1865)

Delaware: February 12, 1901 (after rejection February 8, 1865)

Kentucky: March 18, 1976 (after rejection February 24, 1865

Mississippi: March 16, 1995;  (after rejection December 5, 1865

Fourteenth Amendment

New Jersey: September 11, 1866

(rescinded ratification February 20, 1868

March 24, 1868; re-ratified April 23, 1868

Oregon: September 19, 1866

(rescinded ratification October 16, 1868;

re-ratified April 25, 1973)

Ohio: January 11, 1867

(rescinded ratification January 13, 1868;

re-ratified March 12, 20

North Carolina: July 4, 1868

(after rejection December 14, 1866)

Louisiana: July 9, 1868

(after rejection February 6, 1867

South Carolina: July 9, 1868

(after rejection December 20, 1866)

If rescission by Ohio and New Jersey were illegitimate, South Carolina would have been the 28th state to ratify the amendment, enough for the amendment to be a part of the Constitution.

Otherwise, only 26 states ratified the amendment out of the needed 28. Ohio and New Jersey's rescissions (which occurred after Democrats retook the states legislature) caused significant controversy and debate, but as this controversy occurred ratification by other states continued:

Fifteenth Amendment

New York: April 14, 1869 

Rescinded ratification: January 5, 1870 re-ratified: March 30, 1870

Ohio: January 27, 1870

  (After rejection: April 1/30, 1869

New Jersey: February 15, 1871

 (after rejection: March 17/18, 1870)

Delaware: February 12, 1901

(after rejection: March 17/18, 1869 February 24, 1959

(after rejection: October 26, 1870)

California: April 3, 1962

(after rejection: January 28, 1870)

Maryland: May 7, 1973

(after rejection: February 4/26, 1870

Kentucky: March 18, 1976

(after rejection: March 11/12, 1869)

Tennessee: April 8, 1997

(after rejection: November 16, 1869)

17th Amendment

Delaware: July 1, 2010

 (after rejecting the amendment on March 18, 1913)

The Utah legislature rejected the amendment on February 26, 1913.

No action on the amendment has been completed by

 Florida, GeorgiaKentuckyMississippiSouth CarolinaVirginiaAlaska or Hawaii.

Alaska and Hawaii were not yet states at the time of the amendment's proposal, and have never taken any official action to support or oppose the amendment since achieving statehood.

Currently there are 41 states that have ratified the unconstitutional 17th Amendment and if 6 states that voted  in favor of ratification rescind their previous ratification vote the amendment would only have 35 states having giving their consent which is one less the number required for ratification.

Many Northern States refused to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 because in their judgment it was a violation a fundamental principle expressed in the Declaration of Independence. The 17th Amendment is unconstitutional and the states have a right to nullify it in their state.

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BACKGROUND - Prior to adoption of the seventeenth amendment, U.S. senators were elected by their state’s legislature. They were a direct representative of the state and indirectly represented ‘we the people.’ The primary reason for the two houses of Congress being elected in different ways was to insulate senators from public pressure. Adoption of the 17th Amendment subjected the Senate to lobbyists. To be elected to the U.S. Senate today one must have millions of dollars and be a darling of the major media outlets, all of which are controlled by the financial/industrial cartel promoting the New World Order. Today, Senate candidates must sell their soul and vote to the cartel to be elected..



Whereas the Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution passed the Senate on June 12, 1911 and the House of Representatives on May 13, 1912 and was declared to have been ratified on April 8, 1913 and

Whereas the 17th amendment supersedes Article I, Sec. 3, Clause 1 of the Constitution and transferred a U. S. Senator’s election from her/his state's legislature to popular election by voters of the state and was a major step in transforming the Republic to which we pledge an allegiance into a democracy and

Whereas our State Legislatures were to serve as both a check and balance over Congress and by being responsible for electing U.S. Senators were in a position to be a POWERFUL state defender of the people and

Whereas, the text of House Joint Resolution #39 of the 62nd Congress responsible for the 17th Amendment states “the following amendment to the Constitution shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the States….” and

Whereas the last sentence of Art. V of the Constitution says: “….no state, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate,” and

Whereas the mere suggestion that three-fourths of the states could ratify the 17th amendment is simply untrue as in 16 American Jurisprudence we find “Insofar as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the land, it is superseded thereby,” therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED the 1776 Take America Back team finds:

  1. 1. ratification of the seventeenth Amendment was not in compliance with letter of the Constitution much less its spirit and intent and is therefore unconstitutional.

  1. since ratification of the 17th Amendment was an unconstitutional act, all laws passed by the Congress of the United States of America since April 8, 1913 are - in law - null and void.

  1. members of the legislatures of the “free and independent states” comprising the United States of America, upon receiving this resolution must, in order to avoid being guilty of misprision of a felony and as a giant step toward restoring lawful government to these United States of America:

  1. declare each and every act by the Federal government since April 8, 1913 null and void.
  2. replace the imposters now posing as U.S. Senators with U. S. Senators duly elected by the state legislature.
  3. immediately prepare an outline of urgent actions to be pursued by their duly elected Senator upon her/his being sworn in to office.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that to help assure resolution #3 is honestly pursued, every concerned American should support the 1776 TAB team and this Resolution by:

  1. signing in on the web site (nothing to join and no cost) to become a ‘net worker’ dedicated to supporting the thirty governors who, on 11/22/94 pledged “to restore to the states and the people the prerogatives and freedoms guaranteed them under the Constitution.

  1. working with others through a local TAB team. (see

  1. providing their City Council members, County Commissioners, state legislators and governors a copy of this resolution along with a request it be acted upon.



Once aware of this unconstitutional act, State officials must act to correct it and all Federal legislation passed subsequent to it to avoid being guilty of Misprision of a crime. If they do so, it will correct many of the ills plaguing America. The United Nations Charter (also an unconstitutional act), Federal Reserve Act of 1913, War Powers allowing the President to act as a dictator, debts created under the Federal Reserve System, all ungodly and unconstitutional Supreme Court decisions along with the present members of the Court and much more will disappear.

In essence, America will be again be the Constitutional REPUBLIC to which we pledge an allegiance and the Land of Liberty intended for us by God and our Nation’s founders. States will regain their sovereignty! Americans will no longer be the official enemies of the Federal government, and peace can take on a real meaning throughout the world.

Do enough of our state legislators have the courage and integrity needed to acknowledge this unconstitutional act and to use their lawful authority as the Principals to the Constitution to enforce the law or will they volunteer to allow America to continue to be ushered in to the New World Order, which - by its very definition - will be a global prison whose ’warden’ will be an Imperial Oligarchy, to ignore the sacrifices of those who have fought and died in the defense of liberty, to forsake America’s heritage and our posterities future - including that of their families, in deference to a group of Humanists now leading America down the road to slavery by denying any reference to a God? Only time will tell!

With a prayer that enough of our state legislators understand the need to abide by James 4:17, we commend this Resolution to them.

In God and Country

Senator Don Rogers (R-CA) Walter Myers

Exec. Director, CNC

States ratifying the 17th amendment:

Massachusetts (May 22, 1912); Arizona (June 3, 1912); Minnesota (June 10, 1912); New York (January 15, 1913); Kansas (January 17, 1913); Oregon (January 23, 1913); North Carolina (January 25, 1913) California (January 28, 1913) Michigan (January 28, 1913) Iowa (January 30, 1913) Montana (January 30, 1913) Idaho (January 31, 1913) West Virginia (February 4, 1913) Colorado (February 5, 1913) Nevada (February 6, 1913) Texas (February 7, 1913) Washington (February 7, 1913) Wyoming (February 8, 1913) Arkansas (February 11, 1913) Maine (February 11, 1913) Illinois (February 13, 1913) North Dakota (February 14, 1913) Wisconsin (February 18, 1913) Indiana (February 19, 1913) New Hampshire (February 19, 1913) Vermont (February 19, 1913) South Dakota (February 19, 1913) Oklahoma (February 24, 1913) Ohio (February 25, 1913) Missouri (March 7, 1913) New Mexico (March 13, 1913) Nebraska (March 14, 1913) New Jersey (March 17, 1913) Tennessee (April 1, 1913)

Pennsylvania (April 2, 1913) Connecticut (April 8, 1913) Louisiana (June 11, 1913)

Rejecting the amendment:

Utah (February 26, 1913)

States having not acted on the 17th amendment:

Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island, Florida.

The states of the Union must force a showdown. They can appoint two U.S. Senators and send them to Washington. That would force a constitutional showdown. They can sue the government and go straight to the U.S. Supreme Court. No path is going to be easy because of something called an enrolled bill.

HI, Keith1

As you know, I am an avid, dedicated 10th Amendment advocate and write often about it whenever I see the opportunity. And though a Yankee, am also a  member of the Texas Nationalist Movement which has been making remarkable headway of late in it's effort to push the issue of secession via referendum. (Of course, the Biden Regime renders the secession even more attractive than it did a couple years ago.) That said, and regarding your excellent post here, would I be way off base by suggesting that once an Amendment is actually ratified by 3/4 of the States, this per Art V, that it becomes the supreme Law of the Land, this also per Art V, and that short of a formal  repeal of that Amendment by the States the individual States are duty-bound to faithfully comply. Of course, during the actual process of ratification, I totally understand that States may opt to alter their votes. Thus, once prooperly ratified, and absent a formal repeal, an Amendment to the Constitution becomes the Law of the Land. Keep up your great work. Education so sorely needed. OH, and yes! The 17th MUST be repealed. 

The 17th Amendment was not properly ratified. It contradicts the provisions of Article V which guarantees that no state can be deprived of their equal suffrage in the senate without their consent. Today there are seven states that have not ratified the proposed amendment and therefore they have not given their consent and their Constitutional right to be represented in senate has been taken from them. Only if all of the 48 states voted in favor of ratifying the amendment would it be a valid Constitutional amendment.


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