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If the House of Representatives is controlled by the Democrats and a simple majority vote of the membership votes to impeach President Trump, the case would then go before the Senate. After the evidence is heard, it would take a two-thirds vote of the Senators to remove him from office. 

If there are 46 senators who are Democrats and they all voted to impeach the President, it would require 21 of the 54 Republicans to vote for his impeachment in order to remove him from office

In my  opinion, it is very likely that the House of Representatives will, in fact, seek to discredit Donald Trump by initiating the impeachment process. Even it Trump is exonerated, the impeachment will be a stain on his Presidency.

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I hope this does not happen.

I blame Ryan and the  r's who are so owned by the globalists that they didn't support:


2.   MAGA


4.   Christian World View aka, Declaration of Independence

But, at least, the Gang of 8 is GONE

We don't need to impeach the President we need to impeach every Congressman, every Senator and every Federal Judge. Let's face it the system is broken. Jefferson stateed in the Declaration of Independence that when the government bercome tyrannical it is our duty to alter or abolish it.

Thy government that was created to protect our rights is now working fujll time to control our lives and take our money.

I am in complete agreement with you. Broken completely, controlled by parasites who care not what they destroy or why or why not.


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