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The men and women we elect to serve us in Congress are either insane or they take their marching orders from the Wall Street bankers and corporations. The legislators are elected by the people to serve the people, but every decision they make benefits the financial elite at the expense of the people.

When crimes are committed by the criminals are prosecuted, but when government officials violate the Supreme Law of the Land their crimes go unpunished, It is their job to honor their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and our job to hold accountable.

As a matter of fact Congressmen and women are rewarded spending billions dollars on things that we don't need and can't afford.  

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I really think our country is being ran by insane people boy! the stupid stuff they do and they expect us

to support them and jump on the band wagon.  Look at obama with Syria, he was willing to start ww3

just to safe  face..he's an idiot a crazy one at that he's dangerous!  Then look at ole Reid and Pelosi

she looks like she escaped from the nut house!  Where do these people come from  and what they

are doing to the Consitution and to the American people is criminally insane..that is my thought!

Yeah also going by the rule book ...they change the rules whenever they want they are a bunch of

hooey and need to be thrown out of office and into prison where they belong,, charged with treason!

then  get the punishment for treason swiflty!


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