The purpose of the Electoral College was to create a panel of the wise well educated Constitutional Scholars to choose the Presidents of the Unuted States,
The founders did not trust the judgment of the common man to make such an important decision. Allowing the majority of ignorant and uninformed voters to elect the President was exactly what our founders were trying to prevent.
Im order to restore our Constitutional Republic we must restore the integrity of the Electoral College.
The method of choosing the electors that would be the responsibility of the legislature of the state to select the method of choosing their electors who would vote for the candidate that would best defend the lives, liberty and prpoerty of the people.
Only white men that owned enough property in six of the 13 states were allowed to vote in the first Presidential Election. Each of the 69 electors in 1789 voted for the man of their choice.
It wasn't until the election of 1828 that the electors in all of the states except for Delaware and South Carolina were elected by the people in their respective states.
After the Presidentital Election of 1860 the Republican abd Democratic Parties became the two dominant polirical parties and began to choose their Presidential Electors. The awaeding of all of the states electoral votes to the candudate winning the statewide popular vote become the polucy in every state excepy Maine and Nebraska.
The Winner Take All method of allicating a states electoral votes promotes the tyranny of a majority and disenfranchises millions of voters. The only states to count all of the votes are Maine and Nebraska
Thirty-Three states have laws requiring electors to vote for the candidate the party has nominated, or they have to sign pledges. This policy violares the principle of checks and balances.