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A question for those who oppose Term Limits for our politicians; How do you feel about not paying them a salary? How long do you think they would remain in office under those circumstances? I fear Benjamin Franklin's concerns regarding a "salaried bureaucracy" have become our reality.

The following are among my favorite (or most feared) excerpts:

"Sir, there are two passions which have a powerful influence in the affairs of men. These are ambition and avarice—the love of power and the love of money. Separately, each of these has great force in prompting men to action; but, when united in view of the same object, they have, in many minds, the most violent effects. Place before the eyes of such men a post of honor, that shall, at the same time, be a place of profit, and they will move heaven and earth to obtain it."

Yet another warning that seems to have come to be ( after all, how many times does Congress quietly reward themselves with a "pay raise" that you and I learn about only well after the fact?) :

"Besides these evils, sir, tho we may set out in the beginning with moderate salaries, we shall find that such will not be of long continuance. Reasons will never be wanting for proposed augmentations; and there will always be a party for giving more to the rulers, that the rulers may be able, in return, to give more to them. Hence, as all history informs us, there has been in every state and kingdom a constant kind of warfare between the governing and the governed; the one striving to obtain more for its support, and the other to pay less. And this has alone occasioned great convulsions, actual civil wars, ending either in dethroning of the princes or enslaving of the people."

One final excerpt - this one speaks to the "Content of Character" likely to be found in those attracted to fill the post of 'salaried bureaucrat':

"And of what kind are the men that will strive for this profitable preeminence, through all the bustle of cabal, the heat of contention, the infinite mutual abuse of parties, tearing to pieces the best of characters? It will not be the wise and moderate, the lovers of peace and good order, the men fittest for the trust. It will be the bold and the violent, the men of strong passions and indefatigable activity in their selfish pursuits. These will thrust themselves into your government and be your rulers. And these, too, will be mistaken in the expected happiness of their situation, for their vanquished competitors, of the same spirit, and from the same motives, will perpetually be endeavoring to distress their administration, thwart their measures, and render them odious to the people."

With this in mind, do we continue to wonder why our politicians (irregardless of political party) always seem to lie to us? To not be who we imagined them to be at the point we decided to vote for them? Can we be justified in expressing shock, when we have been warned for literally centuries? When we know, within our own personal experience, of politicians who fit to a 'T' the type Ben Franklin describes?

People who lack the qualities we would demand of even a casual acquaintance, who will not hesitate to abuse the post of power for personal profit, to claim their "class" among society? I can assure you quite frankly that I more nearly trust any stranger than any political leader in these modern times.

You and I must work together to find a way to restrict the power & influence of these unprincipled people. No one individual should be able to attain to such a lifetime of power - no matter how many special interest "goodies" they bring home for "constituents".

Either limit the amount of time they spend in leadership - or remove the promise of a lifetime of undeserved profit linked to such positions. Either one or the other, but we cannot allow them to continue to have both or else we will have surrendered ourselves to this virtual 'ruling class monarchy.

The men and women elected to serve the people have way too much power. Instead of being our servants, they have become an oligarchy of corrupt, career politicians. There are several reasons for the problems we face in America today:

  • Congressional House Districts are too large!
  • Congressional Representatives make too much money for too little time on the job!
  • Representatives have cushy lives with special privileges and are never held accountable!
  • Our "courts" are no longer Courts of Record, Courts of equal justice.
  • We have lost our right to a corporate system of equity, in an admiralty/maritime (false) jurisdiction, in Administrative tribunals designed only to make money, not to stand for justice.

        Read "The Three Headed Monster"

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Replies to This Discussion

Never have more truer words been spoken!


I agree with all comments. Let me carry it one step farther.

The problem would immediately be solved if people would wake up to the fact that it is not an actual government that is feigning to be a government. It is a corporation registered in Delaware. Let the corporation collapse from its own corruption, get registered with the Republic.

This is the same Republic that our Founding Fathers established; the same Republic which was vacated by Abe Lincoln, the same Republic which was re-inhabited by us in November 2010, after having put all 50 governors on notice to re-inhabit the "Republic seats" and take their proper Oaths, or they would be eliminated.

All 50 governors acquiesced, so we held elections for the Republic, and it has been up and running since Nov. 2010, but could use a lot more volunteers who happen to have a patriotic sense of duty. You can participate by going to Find your state, click on the link, and get registered.

Once you do that you will not be in the right jurisdiction for cops to have the authority to write tickets against you. Get your DSR (Document of Sovereign Rights) and learn how to extract yourself from the corporation. Let the corporation, along with the IRS starve to death.

I will look up the address for you to go to so you too can get your copies of the corporate registration paperwork registered in Delaware, and be able to prove the point to any Doubting Thomas that comes your way. There will be many; mostly sheeple and ostriches.

I don't know how to forward the info on here, but I forwarded it to Keith Broaders, so if he knows how to get it on here, and would be so kind to do so, everybody can have access to the documents. 

Wayne Bachmann said:

I agree with all comments. Let me carry it one step farther. The problem would immediately be solved if people would wake up to the fact that it is not an actual government that is feigning to be a government. It is a corporation registered in Delaware. Let the corporation collapse from its own corruption, get registered with the Republic (and it is the same Republic that our Founding Fathers established, which was vacated by Abe Lincoln, but re-inhabited by us in November 2010, after having put all 50 governors on notice to re-inhabit the "Republic seats and take their proper Oaths, or they would be eliminated. All 50 governors acquiesced, so we held elections for the Republic, and it has been up and running since Nov. 2010, but could use a lot more volunteers who happen to have a patriotic sense of duty) by going to, find your state, click on the link, and get registered. Once you do that you will not be in the same jurisdiction for cops to have the authority to write tickets to you. Get your DSR (Document of Sovereign Rights), learn how to extract yourself from the corporation, and let the corporation, along with the IRS starve to death. I will look up the address for you to go to so you too can get your copies of the corporate registration paperwork registered in Delaware, and be able to prove the point to any Doubting Thomas that comes your way, which will be many, mostly sheeple and ostriches.

Click Here

Wayne Bachmann said:

I don't know how to forward the info on here, but I forwarded it to Keith Broaders, so if he knows how to get it on here, and would be so kind to do so, everybody can have access to the documents.

Wayne Bachmann said:

I agree with all comments. Let me carry it one step farther. The problem would immediately be solved if people would wake up to the fact that it is not an actual government that is feigning to be a government. It is a corporation registered in Delaware. Let the corporation collapse from its own corruption, get registered with the Republic (and it is the same Republic that our Founding Fathers established, which was vacated by Abe Lincoln, but re-inhabited by us in November 2010, after having put all 50 governors on notice to re-inhabit the "Republic seats and take their proper Oaths, or they would be eliminated. All 50 governors acquiesced, so we held elections for the Republic, and it has been up and running since Nov. 2010, but could use a lot more volunteers who happen to have a patriotic sense of duty) by going to, find your state, click on the link, and get registered. Once you do that you will not be in the same jurisdiction for cops to have the authority to write tickets to you. Get your DSR (Document of Sovereign Rights), learn how to extract yourself from the corporation, and let the corporation, along with the IRS starve to death. I will look up the address for you to go to so you too can get your copies of the corporate registration paperwork registered in Delaware, and be able to prove the point to any Doubting Thomas that comes your way, which will be many, mostly sheeple and ostriches.

I tried the CORPORATIONS link and wasn't able to pull it up. Then I tried the <USA_INC_Corp_Registration_i3.pdf> and still wasn't able to pull it up, so maybe it is no longer available. I'm glad I got a couple copies of everything.
Online Professor said:

Click Here

Wayne Bachmann said:

I don't know how to forward the info on here, but I forwarded it to Keith Broaders, so if he knows how to get it on here, and would be so kind to do so, everybody can have access to the documents.

Wayne Bachmann said:

I agree with all comments. Let me carry it one step farther. The problem would immediately be solved if people would wake up to the fact that it is not an actual government that is feigning to be a government. It is a corporation registered in Delaware. Let the corporation collapse from its own corruption, get registered with the Republic (and it is the same Republic that our Founding Fathers established, which was vacated by Abe Lincoln, but re-inhabited by us in November 2010, after having put all 50 governors on notice to re-inhabit the "Republic seats and take their proper Oaths, or they would be eliminated. All 50 governors acquiesced, so we held elections for the Republic, and it has been up and running since Nov. 2010, but could use a lot more volunteers who happen to have a patriotic sense of duty) by going to, find your state, click on the link, and get registered. Once you do that you will not be in the same jurisdiction for cops to have the authority to write tickets to you. Get your DSR (Document of Sovereign Rights), learn how to extract yourself from the corporation, and let the corporation, along with the IRS starve to death. I will look up the address for you to go to so you too can get your copies of the corporate registration paperwork registered in Delaware, and be able to prove the point to any Doubting Thomas that comes your way, which will be many, mostly sheeple and ostriches.

The Dangers of a Salaried Bureaucracy

Posted by Keith Broaders on August 7, 2013 at 7:31am

A question for those who oppose Term Limits for our politicians:  how do you feel about not paying them a salary? How long do you think they would remain in office under those circumstances? I fear Benjamin Franklin's concerns regarding a "salaried bureaucracy" have become our reality.

The following are among my favorite (or most feared) excerpts:

"Sir, there are two passions which have a powerful influence in the affairs of men. These are ambition and avarice—the love of power and the love of money. Separately, each of these has great force in prompting men to action; but, when united in view of the same object, they have, in many minds, the most violent effects. Place before the eyes of such men a post of honor, that shall, at the same time, be a place of profit, and they will move heaven and earth to obtain it."

Yet another warning that seems to have come to be ( after all, how many times does Congress quietly reward themselves with a "pay raise" that you and I learn about only well after the fact?) :

"Besides these evils, sir, tho we may set out in the beginning with moderate salaries, we shall find that such will not be of long continuance. Reasons will never be wanting for proposed augmentations; and there will always be a party for giving more to the rulers, that the rulers may be able, in return, to give more to them. Hence, as all history informs us, there has been in every state and kingdom a constant kind of warfare between the governing and the governed; the one striving to obtain more for its support, and the other to pay less. And this has alone occasioned great convulsions, actual civil wars, ending either in dethroning of the princes or enslaving of the people."

One final excerpt - this one speaks to the "Content of Character" likely to be found in those attracted to fill the post of 'salaried bureaucrat':

"And of what kind are the men that will strive for this profitable preeminence, through all the bustle of cabal, the heat of contention, the infinite mutual abuse of parties, tearing to pieces the best of characters? It will not be the wise and moderate, the lovers of peace and good order, the men fittest for the trust. It will be the bold and the violent, the men of strong passions and indefatigable activity in their selfish pursuits. These will thrust themselves into your government and be your rulers. And these, too, will be mistaken in the expected happiness of their situation, for their vanquished competitors, of the same spirit, and from the same motives, will perpetually be endeavoring to distress their administration, thwart their measures, and render them odious to the people."

With this in mind, do we continue to wonder why our politicians (irregardless of political party) always seem to lie to us? To not be who we imagined them to be at the point we decided to vote for them? Can we be justified in expressing shock, when we have been warned for literally centuries? when we know, within our own personal experience, of politicians who fit to a 'T' the type Ben Franklin describes? People who lack the qualities we would demand of even a casual acquaintance? who will not hesitate to abuse the post of power for personal profit,  to claim their "class" among society? I can assure you quite frankly that I more nearly trust any stranger than any political leader in these modern times.

You and I must work together to find a way to restrict the power & influence of these unprincipled people. No one individual should be able to attain to such a lifetime of power - no matter how many special interest "goodies" they bring home for "constituents". Either limit the amount of time they spend in leadership - or remove the promise of a lifetime of undeserved profit linked to such positions. Either one or the other, but we cannot allow them to continue to have both or else we will have surrendered ourselves to this virtual 'ruling class monarchy' .


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