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Dear Keith et al:

This Constitution Club release is perhaps the most informative of all! I will bcc it to many others with the hope they find time to watch the videos and forward this message to their contacts.

As you know, government was created for the PURPOSE of securing our unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty, and opportunity to pursue Happiness (Declaration of Independence). The transformation of our government from a Republic into a Corporation is but one of the many illegal “Federal actions” that have “exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction....” as alleged by thirty governors on 11/22/94.

When the Constitutionalist’s Networking Center (CNC) chaired by the late Governor Mecham (R-AZ) was formed in 1933 its members examined the options available for gaining control of the Federal government. It became clear the only peaceful options are through the common law grand jury box, the ballot box, or nullification of the fraudulently introduced and adopted 17th Amendment (see At this time, viable common law jury boxes and ballot boxes aren’t available. Common law grand juries were declared “obsolete” in the 1946 changes to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedures; another unlawful Federal act.” The ballot box is not reliable for many reasons. Bottom line: if voters are to have a way of peacefully restoring lawful government they must inspire states to restore the integrity of these boxes. Legislation was drafted to do so. It can be found under recent articles on the web site.

Convincing states to pass the needed legislation won’t be easy! It will require the support of millions of Americans working as a team; one such as that described in www.thecnc/Document/1776.htm. Thanks to Keith Broaders and his web site a communications system is available to aid America’s patriots in locating and communicating with one another to create the team. The challenge is to get people to act. I pray they will; and soon! But will they? The outlook isn’t good. Too many people are a part of America’s problem. They are ignoring the importance of James 4:17 and failing to do what’s right and like it or not, God is still in charge.

It is disheartening to know there are hundreds if not thousands of organizations working on some SYMPTOM of America’s “problem” but who lack the common sense to realize – or simply refuse to recognize – that the solution lies in gaining control of government and uniting on the few options available for doing so. At is a suggested list of actions I hope people consider.


Walter Myers

Asking the question is the United States a corporation would be like asking whether Al Capone was operating as a corporation or a sole proprietorship. Both Al Capone and the Congress of the United States is neither, they are members of a crime syndicate.


The United States Isn't a Country
— It's a Corporation!
by Lisa Guliani

Click Here

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Terry, Likewise!

It is not a Corporation. Our government has become a Criminal Syndicate pure and simple. Anyone who has tried to buck them know that for a fact. 



You sure have that right. I just wrote "organized syndicated crime" in a letter to the sheriff two days ago... Because that is exactly what this is.

We pay their salaries by taxes for them to organize crimes against us. Then we pay for worthless attorneys who are protected by the Disciplinary Counsels who are paid by our taxes. Then they steal more of our money by fines or fees from filing our cases in court for remedy... Triple dipping...

It's syndicated....

Be on the lookout.  If you are setting in your house and your computer suddenly shuts down, run to the front window and see if there is a strange van with some funny look antenas.

Just may be high frequency interruption.

I ask everyone here and everyone who talks of Common Law Grand Juries.

Where is your enforcement?

Where is your army of law agents?

Where are your jails?

Where in the Constitution for the United States of America does it say that we have a common law grand jury?

What you are attempting to do is demand that this corrupt legal system obey your orders.  What makes that any different than them demanding you obey theirs.....oh yes, they have an army of law enforcement agents.

The answer has always been in the Constitution FOR the United States.  The remedy is clearly established in the Declaration of Independence.  I am not dividing this group or any group, but I will not  stand by and allow a NON Constitutional group attempt to further destroy what little we have left of our freedom.

You establish a Common Law Grand Jury law enforcement group.

You put some teeth behind your threats

You Establish Common Law Judges and Courts

Until then the only court we have is what the government establishes and the only law agents we have are the ones currently behind the badges.

WHAT we do have is Article 5, 6, and 7 of the Bill of Rights as ratified in 1791.   And in that very same Bill of Rights, support by wording in the Constitution FOR the United States of America we have been given a law enforcement arm.....Its under Article 2.   Until you establish that, until you enforce Article 5,6, and 7, tell me what power your common law grand juries have?

The so called 4th branch of government has been and always will be the peoples DUTY as established in the Declaration of Independence........

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

That is what they fear....not some piece of paperwork filled by 25 people.   I have been to the meetings and listened to the phone calls of the NLA.   How did the one person Jacuine say it.......we will bill the county for the grand juries service and if the county does not pay we will go after the property of the person indicted. (there is video on a local television station  KBZK TV in Bozeman MT. to back that statement up)

That fact alone should tell you something is wrong.  Grand Juries are NOT about money, but are about protecting the people from malicious prosecution.   Food for thought.  Do your research and for heavens sake.....READ the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS.   that's the only answer.

Wolf, isn't there something that stipulates, 'any powers not specifically delegated to government...reside with the People', or something like that? Anyhow, I appreciate the points you offer above. I will use them when I attend the meeting on the 8th and report back to you. I only seek truth and you are helping me. Thanks for what you are doing.

Wolf, Yes 

Ohio Constitution § 1.02 Right to alter, reform, or ABOLISH government, and repeal special privileges (1851)
All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal protection and benefit, and they have the right to alter, reform, or ABOLISH the same, whenever they may deem it necessary; and no special privileges or immunities shall ever be granted, that may not be altered, revoked, or repealed by the general assembly.

PS Sheriff Mack supports the Common Law Juries. I have personally asked him. The Sheriffs along with the Lawful States, and militia will be the Juries enforcement. This all has to work together. Although Sheriff Mack said last summer that the Sheriff's should be on board before we go into forming the juries, I personally don't see why we can't work on this all together. 

I am also not opposed, nor will I talk negatively, about the "Review boards" as long as they are not "owned" by the shadow government.

I do know one thing, at this moment in time the only way you will stop "syndicated organized criminals" is to go after their bonds, insurance, etc thru their pocket books and get them out that way.

This interview with Hagen Smith was just posted on the NLA website March 1, 2014. It is under Breaking News on the website.

I hope this helps.

I just read this on a blog from the internet. I could not have written this better.. This is the problem DEFINDED...

A great French political philosopher by the name of Alexis De Tocqueville once wrote about the potential problems Ameritocracy would once face. Namely, this great philosopher predicted that apathy will plague the masses. This apathy would cause Ameritocracy to become stagnant, and immobile. This immobility, in turn, would make the American democrat susceptible to what De Tocqueville deemed as 'soft tyranny'. That is, Americans will become so removed that a small group of people will be able to take control of the government through the guise of free elections, and this will strip the American of their political liberty. Has De Tocqueville's forecast come true?

Partially. Apathy, both political and non-political, is widespread amongst America, specifically the younger generation, my generation. More and more, I observe my fellow peers removed from the state of affairs, caught up in there own small circle, disinterested in issues that confront this great nation. A problem arises. How are we supposed to combat the possibility of a Tocquevillian soft tyranny if many of the members of generation x are apathetic?

The answer is neither clear nor simple. It is going to take a collective effort by society to combat this problem. We, somehow, must cultivate a society of action........."

The above came from this blog. there seems to be a small group of young who are looking for guidance from us.

I don't know how to fix "complacency"(apathy). My Mom wrote about this in her last forum letter to the paper (on behalf of a local lady murdered by the dereliction of a judge) the same year she was murdered...... I don't how to make those "wide" gated people to become "narrow" gated.


Need to speak with you regarding your video.  Need your help on a strategy.

In the last 40's and early 50's the gov replaced all the judicial branch trial courts with legislative branch courts. Such courts only have jurisdiction over aliens and 14th / fed citizens. These people do not have any of the common law rights associated with sovereignty. No right to a trial by jury, no right to justice - actually the courts have stated the bill of rights does not even apply to them.

The gov's claim that by some magic everyone was suddenly a 14th citizen and treating them accordingly is how sovereigns lost all their constitutionally secured rights.  To accomplish this the states and fed gov had to declare their constitutions void. This could only happen under communist occupation because only under foreign occupation can the state constitutions and the rights of sovereigns be declared void.

Unlike the history our Governments and liberals would have us believe, our Civil War was fought on these same grounds, defending the Constitution. State Sovereignty,above Centrist Federal Government. Defending the "Rights of Districting by Census for number of State Representatives, i.e. negroes counting as three to the of a person", and the Fifth Amendment against the taking of 'propery' (slavery being legally recognized by our Founders and our Constitution. The Seccession was the legal result of a Federal Government overstepping the boundaries set forth in the Constitution, and there being no laws to prevent any of all States from withdrawing from a Union where the Constitutional Federal Government, "Servant of the Master, (the States)" , attempts to become the Master over the Sovereign States. The Confederate States' Constitution was far less " Restrictive", than our own Constitution, in that it allowed the individual State to close Slavery or not! We are not taught that in 1860 over 50% of the Northern Population owned Nothing! That 1% of the people on the North owned 95% of everthing! Those who worked did so for 'Slave Wages" and worse conditions. The Civil War was not. It was another Revolutionary War with the exact same 'Charges brought against Max King George, being exactly the same for the existing Federal Government then as now, in our "Declaration of Independence" . We now live in an era where ignorant citizens no longer follow any Constitution, Federal or State, nor are they aware of their own County, City, or School Charters. We have taken away Corporal Punishment from our homes and schools with the result of children killing each other, and not being able to read or write. We have people on 'Social Programs", earning more than a married, working Mom and Dad with two kids! The United States in NOT  Corporation. Political parties are Corprations. Teacher's Unions are Corporations. News Media are Corporations. In fact the three are a blend.


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