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FDR's quote, sadly rings true! Mr. Richardson's short video was not only a true recital of what we are observing, but seems to have some solutions in mind. 

I have hope that a Convention of States is not only possible, but that it could actually impact our nation, in a positive way, by recommending changes, that are advanced into law, like TERM LIMITS, REWRITE the 14th, REPEAL THE 16th & 17th.

Unfortunately, those in power will never give it up willingly and the storm clouds gathering, will either, further divide us, or give us cause to reunite, against a common enemy. What will be the end goal?

Will we be distracted, by a war with Iran, a volatile "cold" war, with China, a world wide economic depression and emerge poorer and supporting a more bloated bureaucracy, larger military and expanded social programs, but no meaningful change, from our current dilemma?

All of the above are possibilities, but the most likely seems to be World-wide Depression, a break down of order, riots for food, MARSHAL LAW, gun confiscation and the ushering in of an era of Agenda 21, over a period of time.

This may not be Armageddon, but there are strong signs that THE GOOD TIMES ARE OVER! Patrick Henry said it best, "Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death"!  

Lewis Bishop here at 4:30 PM Apr 5 attempting to reply to a discussion entitled "Is the pandemic a Plandemic? 

I can't find any opening comments, so I offer this as an opening, essay-length comment.  People like hope.  They hope all will keep working.  If rulers are despotic, people ask themselves whether they think they can survive in it, and they put up with it and go along with it.  But, when all indications look like chaos is upon them, and it is getting worse, and they think they won't survive long, they wish for, ask for, vote for--and, yes, fight for--whatever it takes to get rid of the current rulers and install a new one, namely the one who is the greatest orator and who makes long, dynamic speeches. 

Sometimes--probably most of the time--this great promising talker is devoid of substantial wisdom, but he thinks he is very smart.  We know economic chaos is what gets the masses to follow such a demagogue; therefore, we need to be aware that someone or some small group might seek to cause chaos to win dictatorial power. 

If this Covid-19 economic shutdown is a play and a ploy to create sufficient chaos and unemployment to motivate all of the world's major countries to follow such a wannabe world dictator, we are all being led down the primrose path.  Who might that aspiring person be?  I have no clue.  I have seen no indication that someone is waiting in the wings.

I wrote all of the above because of the suggestive title: "plandemic,"   Plan--the word "plan."  Plan for what?  That is my first suggestion--simply create a worldwide economic depression great enough to allow a World Dictator to seize power.

Secondly, I suggest a less ominous plan--simply a scheme to depress the world economy enough to depress the popularity of Trump, thus keeping him from being re-elected.  Why would all of the major Western World leaders want Trump out?  They want him out because he is not a team-player who loves the globalism ideology that is now rampant in the media, the big-money corporations, the leaders in the EU in Brussels, the Democratic Party, most of the leaders in the Republican Party, and most leaders in the high church.

Neither of the above suggestions feels like a strong argument, because they both smack of the character of a so-called "conspiracy-theory."  Conspiracies are very difficult to build and put into motion.  It is almost impossible to build a conspiracy where more than three or four persons are in on the dirty thing.  Even then, with a small group, after the clandestine action is launched, it nearly always becomes public knowledge as to who did it. That leaves me with a third explanation as to how and why Covid-19 looks like a "plandemic."  This is what can be called a "swarm" event. 

When a beehive "swarms," nearly all of the bees leave and follow some new queen and ball up and settle down somewhere well away from the successful place they had.  There, they--I suppose--struggle around looking for a suitable hole to den up into, and find one, and build a good bee society.  I have heard that before a swarm happens, a person near the hive will hear a tremendous, ominous, humming sound coming from the hive that goes on for some time--I've not heard how long the colony vibrates before it explodes, but this swarm effect, no doubt, is driven by some kind of "messaging" that is emotionally driven, and is not logical.  It is like a fear that runs throughout the hive essentially driving all of the unsuspecting insects crazy. 

It is akin to the Chicken Little story of the sky falling.  They all think it is time to vacate the premises and just go.  In a sense, the people of Planet Earth may have recently arrived at the point where the "messaging" capabilities of the internet-based phones and computers make us susceptible to the "swarm" effect. 

I have heard that our growth in computerized news, printing, and advertising has put so many additional persons into journalism, that American journalists now average only 27 years in age.  If so, we are being led by children.  Why do I call the journalists the leaders?  The politicians in the successful Western democracies are forced to play to whatever themes the journalists are chasing, because no candidate can gain or hold enough popularity to win elections unless he follows the whims promulgated in the media. 

Children are highly susceptible to the herd instinct; therefore, whatever mantra gains substantial ascendancy in the media soon becomes a worldwide media groundswell.  The result is child journalists, indoctrinated in leftist, globalist ideology, setting the agenda, with politicians following to gain votes, and citizens accepting any foolish trend that arises, because we have been lulled to sleep by the good life we now have in the West. 

In other words, we are killing our economy through social distancing foisted on us by politicians who see no way to resist, as the childish media indulges its fantasy of saving lives from an overly hyped virus threat. 

Damn! somebody throw me a life raft... this ship seem to be sinking! Nah, just kidding... we can just wade ashore! Watch your step, when you get ashore, there is buffalo dung, everywhere.


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