In 1787 the people of the states were concerned that if they did not make significant changes in the Articles of Confederation, the government would collapse. They took it upon themselves to call for a Convention to amend the Articles of Confederation. After the people called for the convention, Congress jumped on the bandwagon and supported the plan.
Once again our government has become dysfunctional and is abusing the rights of the people it was created to protect The People are the ultimate source of the government's authority and it is up to us to hold our government accountable.
Our elected officials must obey the rules as specified in the Constitution or must face criminal prosecution if they refuse honor their oath.
The Union State's Assembly believes that Constitution and the lawful government of the United States no longer exist. When the elected officials abandoned the Constitution with the passage of unconstitutional legislation, the government lost its lawful authority to act in behalf of the people.
Congress is currently nothing more than a collection of lawyers, bankers and thieves that masquerade as public servants. They have no more authority than govern than any other crime syndicate.
We need to arrest all of the impostors who are pretending to represent us and prosecute them for their crimes.
Yes I looked at the files and read them all - IMHO the Project to restore Liberty 28th amendment accomplish all you desire without the risk of the Lawyers and Judges twisting the words = as you have to many.
I am of a different opinion than you - my punctuation is again not to be formal it is isolate thoughts - now you can be a English major but I am a communicator . . no rules just thoughts and communications . . I was that way in University also . . LOL
The 13th is not a problem IMHO . . . [missing thoughts as I am not expressing all possible options] . .
Yes Magnus,
You're a communicator. A bad one. You cannot communicate effectively in writing with your texting style. You need proper punctuation when writing. I'm sure you do just fine orally, but this is writing. Writing 101 if you will. Nobody's asking for miracles. just some Capitals and periods, etc. They do wonders for expressions of the written kind. And what is IMHO?
Morton I didn't believe it was necessary to be fussy about the use of one word or another as long as the idea presented was clearly understood. You don't need a formal education to be a Patriot or to handle a weapon when the time comes . Please don't be so fussy it just may cause some much needed folks to leave . Let us not forget Einstein couldn't tie his own shoes .
Did you read what I wrote James? A couple of Capitals and periods. Nobody is picking on the choice of words. And the reason I say something to anyone is because they are NOT being clear and it is laborious to decipher their meaning. That's what grammar and punctuation are for. Would you think me clear or judge me understood, should I do such? I think not.
You must teach english . . for a good critic you think you make. The double dot was intended to show there was a lot left unsaid. Here are some things for you to consider.
I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way.
Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.
Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put.
Hey Magnus,
That was funny. I like it. Good grammar and sentence structure too. Wow. Nice quotes too!
Thanks for the confidence, but teach English I do not. I am but a lowly tradesman. You however would make a fine comedian, for you have made me laugh. Thanx.
A thing called Lowly Tradesman exists no where in the known Universe. For Tradesmen have touched and carefully constructed all that we use in our daily lives.
Members of the Arts are but Tradesmen . . . Sculptors, painters, printers, engravers, wood carvers and all the builders of factories, homes and buildings.
As we all go through our daily chores the Tradesman built our car, refrigerator, super market, hospital and all the equipment there in - a lowly Tradesman exists not. :>)
You're assuming that:
1. The states would actually be in charge of this convention (Article V makes no such guarantee)
2. The same states that elected a Communist usurper as "President," a Progressive Senate and a RINO House of Reps. would put us on a more Conservative course.
Anyway, if we can't enforce what we've got, what makes you think a new one will work any better?
I'll go with JBS on this one.
George you did not read the link above - no con con now did you ??
The JBS, Eagle Forum, and PH all have been debunked - look at who they selected to present as being against the AV State Amendment process - the Chief Justice that provided the 5th vote to pass Roe V Wade and then a parade of far far extreme left Law Profs . . . every link posted by anyone associated with the anti groups has been old 1990 or older and all are wrong.
Spend some time reading from other sources for you have been deceived. Keep in mind that our 28th amendment project does not require a CONVENTION to be called until the 38+ submit the amendment to Congress for them to be a clerk and send it out to the 50 State legislatures for a ratification vote either by convention or Legislature. In either case 38 States have approved identical 28th amendment so upon the ratification of the 38th state legislature or convention [the legislatures control any convention so they can just say the entire legislature is the convention] the 14th 16th and 17th amendment will be repealed.
Now to further argue in support of our position would be the 21st amendment which was RATIFIED BY STATE CONVENTIONS . . no problems and no arguments over appointments - structure and no written record of issues could be found by our researchers. So it is now a proven method to REPEAL AMENDMENTS.
The authors used copy and paste [few changes] form published debunked by the vast majority of Constitutional scholars . . JBS, Eagle Forum misinformation look at the dates . .
Mangus: Our comments were both posted about the same time. I did not see yours at the time mine was being posted. Mine addresses the general topic of holding a convention. There is no way that we can control the scope of where a convention goes.
If George Soros was worried about Conservatives taking over, he wouldn't be pushing one himself. Here's what the left wants:
As far as JBS and Publius being "debunked"-- get real, dude.
Did you read the links posted . . I think not . . for JBS is wrong and PH has changed her position read the above post from PH - I am real . . ; > )
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