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In 1787 the people of the states were concerned that if they did not make significant changes in the Articles of Confederation, the government would collapse. They took it upon themselves to call for a Convention to amend the Articles of Confederation. After the people called for the convention, Congress jumped on the bandwagon and supported the plan.

Once again our government has become dysfunctional and is abusing the rights of the people it was created to protect The People are the ultimate source of the government's authority and it is up to us to hold our government accountable.

Our elected officials must obey the rules as specified in the Constitution or must face criminal prosecution if they refuse honor their oath.

The Union State's Assembly believes that Constitution and the lawful government of the United States no longer exist. When the elected officials abandoned the Constitution with the passage of unconstitutional legislation, the government lost its lawful authority to act in behalf of the people.

Congress is currently nothing more than a collection of lawyers, bankers and thieves that masquerade as public servants. They have no more authority than govern than any other crime syndicate.

We need to arrest all of the impostors who are pretending to represent us and prosecute them for their crimes. 


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The Congress you speak of is called the 4th Continental Congress yes delegates need to be selected by vote process find them on facebook the 4th CC is to provide civillian oversight to the MILITIA and Military and restore the Constitution to its rightful place - It does not matter what that opinion of some people are whether this should be done or not. Fact is its already happening we have the judicial /legal system, legislative system and the executive system in place ready to go when the Federal system defaults .As duly appointed State Commander of Militia forces in California I dont have to completely agree or not. my job is to get units and untrained militiamen ready for conflict and put together a unified command structure My job is to provide combat leadership during the coming struggle for maintaining our freedom and defending that Constitution. I was appointed because I have been doing this 25 years and know whats right whats wrong and how Government works at federal state and local level - no we dont want to terminate the Constitution but to restore it

 Colonel B Hunt 31st Field Forces Headquarters Command

The Congress will simply be what the First and Second Continental Congress was to the colonists in the mid-1770s, and a continuation of the good works of the 3rd Continental Congress from 1996 to 2006. The Congress will be a body of 250 Delegates, 5 delegates from each State. Our goal is to see the total restoration of our constitutionally limited representative Republic, and the Founding Principles of our once great nation.

The 4th Continental Congress (4CC) is a representative body of American Patriots who have lost trust in our public institutions, and specifically the people who have subverted these institutions for reasons that are either, personal, selfish, or treasonous. Federal & state governments are not fulfilling their constitutional requirements and have let all Americans down. By their own admission as late as 1976, the federal government has operated entirely outside the limits of the Constitution for decades; today it openly proclaims unconstitutional powers that not even the most obtuse 'scholar' can justify. It MUST be brought back within the established limits set forth in the Constitution, now, if we are to remain a free nation as our Founding Fathers intended.

The issues threatening our country today are as numerous as oak trees in the forest; but we will NOT falter because we believe in the same divine Providence that our forefathers did. We believe that unlike the current clique in DC, the best representatives in the country are everyday ordinary people, and that

This is the sum of good government: to secure & protect individual liberty.
Delegates to the Congress
For the First Session of the Continental Congress, all positions in the Congress will be strictly
volunteer positions. Anyone over the age of 18 can become a Delegate to the Congress, regardless of sex, religion, race or ethnicity. The First Session of Congress will be filled with 5 volunteer delegates from each State. There will be one Senior Delegate and 4 Junior Delegates. The Senior Delegate is the first person from each State to volunteer for service in the Congress. In cases where all of the delegates from a particular state have volunteered to serve at the same time, they shall vote among themselves who shall be their senior.
Each State Delegation is in charge of forming a separate State Assembly, that in future sessions, shall elect Delegates to future Sessions of the Fourth Continental Congress.
The State Assemblies shall establish local elections, so representatives can be elected by the citizens to their individual State Assemblies. This is done to demonstrate that the Continental Congress is a legitimate body of representation; Patriots who are sincerely determined to bring back constitutional rule in a representative Republic.
Maj. Gen. William A. Flatt,
who was commissioned by the Third Continental Congress in 2003.
Delegations will have the obligation of setting up State Assemblies that would actively pursue State and local problems or concerns. These assemblies, in future sessions of the 4th CC, will appoint delegates to the Congress. State Assemblies must set up a new open, honest and free mechanism for conducting and counting elections that can be independently audited and verified. The State Assembly will appoint their State delegation to the 4th Continental Congress, and conduct whatever business necessary and proper for the restoration of republican government in each of the states.
Each Delegation will get “ONE” vote in sessions of the 4th Continental Congress. Every resolution must be passed with a majority vote of the delegations. The Executive can veto any resolution passed by the Congress except when there has been a unanimous vote of the body. The Continental Congress can override the veto by a 2/3 vote.
Congress will elect the Executive (President of the Continental Congress) for 2 year terms.
Nominations for the positions will be accepted for the next session. Nominations must be submitted 6 months prior to the end of the current session. The Interim Executive will serve for the first session. All volunteers will be asked to serve in these positions. Also individual Delegates must submit their resolutions by mail or e-mail to the Congress Secretary one week before the session.
Each Session of Congress will last 'at least' 3 days, to make sure all resolutions are heard properly. Depending on the resources that affiliates of the Continental Congress can bring to bear - such as encrypted teleconferencing, meetings, debates, and possibly some votes could be conducted online.
*These rules are only for the first session of the Congress; these could be changed with any resolution of Congress.

sorry for this mess I copied pasted from a pdf file

I believe those who promote a Constitutional Convention are seeking our demise.  I can't believe I have read on this site the promotion of a ConCon.   

Kathy for all intents and purpose the Constitution no longer exists. The government officials are impostors. They do whatever they there bankers tell them. The idea that a convention would threaten the preservation of the Constitution is absurd. The Constitution is a historical document that no longer  exists. In order to restore a lawful government we need to convene a convention of ,by and for the people. This convention can not be called by a Congress, because without a valid Constitution, Congress can not lawfully exist.

Keith, I believe your "for all intents and purpose the Constitution no longer exists" to be a headliner of sorts.  I have found that while the Constitution does physically and virtually is now smothered in Case Law.  

In my mind's eye...the Constitution is laying on a table in the middle of a room, but it can't be actually seen or touched because layers and layers of Case Law have redefined through interpretation what the Constitution says legally. 

The same can be said for Congress, any Congress even the idea of a Con Con....power has been transferred to regulatory agencies.  Thousands of regulations tax, fee, restrict and 'nudge' the global progressive agenda. 

I would prefer to see Americans have a common sense, nonpartisan movement to live the founding principles at home in their communities solving the many chronic problems that Washington or even state and local governments won't fix.  People can fix these issues....people have fixed them.   That is why my passion is to share how one community fixed a problem with others who want to fix the same issue in their own community.  

Fixing problems is not a partisan thing.   Problems are no respecter of political leaning...they hurt all.  Solutions Unite.  Politics Divides.  And folks are just plain tired of the political drama.  They just want Solutions. are right on with your statement.  I'd love to see you bring it home to more folks.


By Phyllis Schlafly August 27, 2013 12:25 pm
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Attacks on the U.S. Constitution are coming from all sides. The New York Times opened its op-ed page to several liberal professors of government: One calls our Constitution "imbecilic," another claims it contains "archaic" and "evil provisions" and a third urges us to "rewrite the Second Amendment."

Out of exasperation with the flouting of the Constitution by Barack Obama and his acolytes, and the way Congress is letting them get by with these violations, several conservative authors and pundits are promoting the calling of a national convention to propose amendments to the Constitution. They believe a series of amendments can put our country on a wiser path.

The authority for such a procedure is Article V of our Constitution, so they are calling their plan of action an Article V convention. However, they are fooling themselves when they suggest that Article V creates a path to bypass Congress with a "convention of states."

The only power the states have under Article V is the opportunity to submit an "application" (petition) humbly beseeching Congress to call a convention. Hundreds of such applications have been submitted over the years, with widely different purposes and wording, many applications were later rescinded and some purport to make the application valid for only a particular amendment such as a federal balanced budget or congressional term limits.

Article V states that Congress "shall" call a convention on the application of two-thirds of state legislatures (34), but how will Congress count valid applications? We don't know, and so far, Congress has ignored them anyway.

If Congress ever decides to act, Article V gives Congress exclusive power to issue the "Call" for a convention to propose "amendments" (note the plural). The Call is the governing document which determines all the basic rules such as where and when a convention will be held, who is eligible to be a delegate (will current office-holders be eligible?), how delegates will be apportioned, how expenses will be paid and who will be the chairman.

Article V also gives Congress the power to determine whether the three-fourths of the states required for ratification of amendments can ratify by the state legislature's action or by state conventions.

The most important question to which there is no answer is how will convention delegates be apportioned? Will each state have one vote (no matter how many delegates it sends), which was the rule in the 1787 Philadelphia convention, or will the convention be apportioned according to population (like Congress or the Electoral College)?

Nothing in Article V gives the states any power to make this fundamental decision. If apportionment is by population, the big states will control the outcome.

Article V doesn't give any power to the states to propose constitutional amendments, or to decide which amendments will be considered by the convention. Article V doesn't give any power to the courts to correct what does or does not happen.

Now imagine Democratic and Republican conventions meeting in the same hall and trying to agree on constitutional changes. Imagine the gridlock in drafting a constitutional plank by caucuses led by Sarah Palin and Al Sharpton.

Everything else about how an Article V Convention would function, including its agenda, is anybody's guess. Advocates of an Article V convention can hope and predict, but they cannot assure us that any of their plans will come true.

If we follow the model of the 1787 Convention, will the deliberations be secret? Are you kidding? Nothing is secret any more. What are the plans to deal with protesters: the gun-control lobby, the gay lobby, the abortion lobby, the green lobby, plus experienced protestors trained by Obama's Organizing for Action, at what would surely be the biggest media event of the year, if not of the century.

There is no proof that the VIPs promoting an Article V convention have any first-hand knowledge of the politics or procedures of a contested national convention. Don't they realize that the convention will set its own agenda and that states will have no say over which amendments are considered?

A recent example of how a convention chairman wielding the gavel can manipulate what happens is the way the 2012 Democratic National Convention chairman ruthlessly called the vote wrong when a delegate tried to add a reference to God in the party platform. The chairman got by with declaring the amendment passed even though we all saw on television that the "Noes" won the vote.

The whole process is a prescription for political chaos, controversy and confrontation. Alas, I don't see any George Washingtons, James Madisons, Ben Franklins or Alexander Hamiltons around today who could do as good a job as the Founding Fathers, and I'm worried about the men who think they can.


Phyllis Schlafly is a lawyer, conservative political analyst and author of 20 books. She is the co-author, with George Neumayr, of the New York Times Best-Seller titled "No Higher Power: Obama's War on Religious Freedom." She can be contacted by e-mail at To find out more about Phyllis Schlafly and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Website at



What is required to have standing as actual party in interest, is for The People to file for an 'entry of appearance' and for us/The People to name the 'indispensable parties' -Social Security, State of XXXX holding the certificate of live birth, that the prosecutor as Trustee failed to bring/name in any action/docket. We have become subject to their/corporate jurisdiction/license policy, because we failed to file for entry as the 'ward of the court', or challenge who the actual injured party is/CORPUS DELECTI is with the prosecutor as TRUSTEE. 

When the DBA issued a non-government license and we accepted that offer, the adversary system of Government was also disbanded and the JUDICIARY COURT OF THE STATE OF XXXXX was enacted, not as an Article III court, but for Administrative review and policy enforcement.

29 CFR 2200.23 - Appearances and withdrawals.


Rule 24. Appearance and Representation

I am suggest that the current action filed by Rodney Class, AIB radio, into the District of Columbia District Court be review for context and Law. One fact that came out of the Monday hearing was that the judge in the case did not know who or what the CORPUS DELECTI was or injured party was.

You people just dont get it you wont get it till they come at you with really big Guns 4th Congress is not there to replace the Constitution but to fill the VOID when the shooting war starts.that void takes place when Federal Congress 1 defaults 2 Obama or other some other President declares martial law or Continunity of Government Change .the 4th Congress and civillian arm is trying to do things peacefully to avoid a bloody revolution. I am there to provide the Leadership And a broadsword if this attempt fails to hold our official accountable and the people in charge use foreign troops alphabet agencies or even our own US troops to enforce their COG and complete suspension of the Constitution with the CONFISCATION OF ARMS

General George Patton recognized this in the 1940s that something was going terribly wrong his idea was bury thousands of M1's in the desert along with other weapons so that Americans could search and find these weapons if our own weapons were ever confiscated whether you choose to believe this or not that up to you. I do not one thing they will take what little freedom left we have with really big guns to not recognize this you living in a Disneyland fantasy world some of you should go back and watch the boob tube remain clueless like the rest of the sheeple The Constitutional Militia in all states wants to give the 4th CC and other civillian agencies such as Sheriffs Constitutional Posse time to work along with CAN and legal Action Network when all fails due to the results of them putting troops in the streets the shooting will start 4th Congress is their to limit collateral damage and turn the Militia and elements of the military off when the job is done, or we will have 1000 years of wars with out end or 1000 revolutions with out end just like the situation IN CHECHNEYA. Now we can have endless debate over this and argue this for 100 years without fixing and getting rid of global Gov. Go a head have endless debate by the way their is a Relocation camp /Concentration camp waiting for you with you number and color on it green blue or red  take your pick. The Germans in World War 2 said the same shit OH it WILL never happen here HITLER TOOK POWER BY LEGISLATION FIRST THEN gave them 8 YEARS OF TOTAL WAR .Think about that while you spout bullshit and continue endless debate without accomplishing not one thing -Learn to live free or die

"Being an American Is not a spectator sport" -General William Flatt

Colonel B Hunt


Don't be so presumptuous, Col.  Many of us get it, but are also making sure that we go through due process first.

Then, we'll see you in DC on May 16, or will you already be in your bunker barking orders?

First off all I have been informed American Spring has been cancelled Vallely is double agent Agent provacatuer. Go to Washington Go to jail or get shot dead because Obama will enforce his will whatever he believes his will to be second of all im not being pompous I have been doing this for 25 years how long have you been doing this have you even served in a Militia let alone a branch of military ?

The Militia does not hide in bunkers we take the fight to the enemy whoever that enemy happens to be so your skewred idea of the Militia is off way base I understand that you want due process that is why its taking time to put the civil system in place if you read my post on 4th CC you will understand how it works I will be glad to answer any questions over landline about the Militia its mission or the umbrella of UAMAC and the 4th CC

the Militia is responsive and defensive and Constitutional Militia will not Proactively attack Washington We also are not protestors but soldiers to be used in an emergency

Col Hunt


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