In the election conducted on December 15, 1788 George Washington received less than 40,000 votes in his home state of Virginia. At the time Virginia had a population of a little over 700,000. In other words only 5 people out of every 100 even were eligible to vote for our first President George Washington. The women, the slaves, the Indians and the white men that did not own enough property were not allowed. In the preamble to the Constitution, the words "We the People " the word people is capitalized. When a word is capitalized in the middle of a sentence, the word must be a proper noun. If the word was not capitalized it the word people would be a common noun. The common noun for the people refers to all of the people, while the word People when it is capitalized in the middle of a sentence it is referring to a specific group of people.
The Constitution was written by the People, but not for the people.
The People that drafted the Constitution were rich, white men that owned a great deal of property. Most of them were well educated and most of them were lawyers.
Many of the provisions written into the Constitution were added to protect the rights of the People not all of the people.
Proof that what I have written is unfortunately true.
Rules for Capitalization
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The Federalist Papers
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Population of Virginia in 1790
Click Here
Presidential Election of 1788
Click Here
I find myself in disagreement. The state constitutions were written for the 'the white people' the fed instrument was written by and for the states, which is why the SCt has stated that the people are not party to the fed constitution.
Even the bill of rights, as stated in Downs v Bidwell, 1901, was not written for the people of the states but for the new territories that were destined to become states. While the rights were similar, the state constitutions secured rights for citizens of the states.
US Citizen / subjects of the fed gov via the 14th is a whole different ballgame, since, as the courts have always held, they have almost no rights and no direct access to the fed bill of rights because it was not incorporated [ written ] into the 14th amendment.
It is not race bating - but a fact of history. Not all knowledge is pleasant, but things such as thing are important to understand in order to understand how we got into the communist mess we are in. To deny the racist nature of our constitutions is to deny history and to deny knowledge that can help you have a better chance of making positive changes in our constitutional system.
For some good research on who the constitutions consider 'We The People' I suggest going to the following link and studying it. It is not my research but it is good. or
Thank you for the links Professor, I still have much to contemplate.....
Its all about getting educated. Most of the people don't know that there are two constitutions. One was the original constitution "for" the united States. The other one was made at the end of the civil war and it is the constitution "of" the United States. The last one being the constitution created for the corporation created in 1871 by the Act of 1871. To really see and understand what this did you can see here: The online professor is trying to educate everyone on how some people were able to create a new corporate constitution. Because of this corporate one, Dick Cheney could say the Geneva Conventions don't apply to him because the Geneva Conventions don't apply to Taco Bell or IBM either. This also explains how Congress ignores the people. They don't represent the people, they represent the company from England called the United States of America.
freedom warrior said:
With the type of language spoken here, the correct name for this "club" should be called "The Anti-Constitution Club."
I don't understand how the "online professor," the supposed creator of "The Constitution Club," is posting such anti-constitution rhetoric! wtf
this site baffles me.
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