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The Constitution divided the powers of our national government into three separate branches. They created (1), the legislative branch with two houses, to make the laws; (2), the executive branch to enforce the laws and (3), the Judicial Branch to interpret the laws.

It was the original intent of the founders to limit the size of Congressional House Districts to no more than 30,000 inhabitants. Due to an error in transcription of the wording in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, the number of inhabitants in each district was not limited  but the number of representatives was limited to not more than one for every 30,000 inhabitants. 

The House of Representatives was supposed to be based on adequate and equal representation, but due to the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929, we have neither. The Senate, on the other-hand was to be based on equal representation with each state having two Senators chosen by the legislatures of the states.

As a result of inadequate and unequal representation, Congress no longer represents the people, It has become an agency working for the Wall Street bankers and corporations.

So today, Congress, the President and the Supreme Court all violate the Constitution on a regular basis.

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