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No Debt, No Taxes

Have the U.S. Treasury issue $10,000,000,000 initially to ten million people and eventually end up paying them approx. $50,000 each for a total of $500,000,000,000 (five hundred billion dollars) to repair the nation's roads, bridges, dams, and levees.

This is a great idea; spending our money into existence instead of borrowing it. Since it would not be necessary to borrow the money there would be no debt and no interest to pay to the international bankers. Ten million unemployed or under-employed individuals could be hired and the economic stimulus would be phenomenal.

When Congress borrows money from the FED, they obligate the people to pay taxes which supposedly go to pay the interest on the line of credit known as the National Debt. If Congress were to authorize the Department of the Treasury to issue our money there would be no debt and no necessity to pay taxes as well.

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The last time it was tried to correct the fraud of the Federal Reserve system by printing our own currency it resulted in the assassination of JFK. Lincoln also got deep sixed when he finally obtained a conscience for his betrayal of the people and decided to issue greenbacks.

I think Trump knows exactly who's running this ship and is never going to do anything as foolish as by-passing the Fed. In fact, he is apparently showing his true allegiance to the Rothschild/Vatican mafia in an open manner now with his unprovoked attack on Iran and his continued ass-kissing of Israel. We wondered just how long it would take for the mafia's hammer [U.S. military] to start hostilities with one of the 3 remaining holdouts to the mafia's control, Iran. As may be noticed, we are and have been at war with Syria with a lot of saber rattling against North Korea. Its just a matter of time.

Everyone thought Trump could walk on water when he reduced income taxes but if he were really for the people he would have outlawed the income tax and the fraudulent IRS. Of course 'The Donald' is pretty slick and not interested in canceling his own ticket. You may have noticed that he has refused to exhibit his own tax filings and wondered why. Perhaps he won't show them because they don't exist. If we mere peasants can figure out that said taxes don't apply to us, why wouldn't a billionaire have figured it out? Notice that he takes no pay for his position of CEO of the privately owned Govco corporation. No income from Govco means no tax liability.  

No I don't think so Daniel,

He is just the "Manchurian Candidate" as you intimated. Make no bones about it; anyone truly interested in restoring the republic would immediately eliminate the Fed and the IRS on their first day in office!

There are issues that far transcend the common belief that abolishing the Fed, and issuing Constitutional and real money is the answer. These issues are some of the same reasons why Americans have VOLUNTARILY subjected themselves to the federal income tax.

The deceit by obfuscation can be found in government documents but, connecting the dots is another matter entirely. For starters, those living in the states are deemed to be enemies and, thus, not afforded any Constitutionally protected rights!

This occurred in 1933 when FDR amended the "Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA) of 1917. FDR amended the wording, which defined enemy status, from "...without the US..." to, "...within the US...". Consequently, anyone residing in the US is an enemy of the state! Enemies have ZERO Constitutionally protected rights PLUS, they cannot own real property in the US!

Look at your [mortgage] deed, it most likely states that you are either a "Tenant in Common" or a "Joint Tenant". These words are NOT words of ownership, PERIOD! This is why the government may extract property taxes, impose codes and regulations, etc.

These are FACTS and there's so much more to this that it is impossible to even scratch the surface here. I've spent years studying these matters and have been fortunate to find a mentor who has spent most of his adult life doing the same.

There is a way out but, it's nothing that anyone, except a minuscule percentage of the American population, knows anything about. Nearly all the information available online in terms of gurus touting remedies to these and other issues will only get you a long stint in prison!

So what do you suggest Jack?

I am doing all I can to deliver this information in a usable format for free to all who will bite the apple of truth. In addition, I am in the process of securing my own sovereignty and forming trusts, etc.

I am an American National state Citizen by identity and a foreign address is a good idea. You seem like you've spent as much time on this as I have. We should talk and you should join my group, 2020 Vision 4 America.


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