This is straight from the SSA's Website and has some very interesting statements in it. See if you think this "Non-Citizen" status applies to you.
From pamphlet (EN-05-10096)
Does a Non-citizen need a Social Security number?
Unless you are a non-citizen who wants to work in the United States, you probably do not need a Social Security number.
Generally, only non-citizens authorized to work in the United States by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can get a Social Security number. Social Security numbers are used to report an individual’s wages to the government and to determine a person’s eligibility for Social Security benefits. You need a Social Security number to work, collect Social Security benefits and receive some other government services.
Lawfully admitted non-citizens can get many benefits and services without a Social Security number. You do not need a number to get a driver’s license, register for school, obtain private health insurance, or to apply for school lunch programs or subsidized housing.
Some organizations use Social Security numbers to identify you in their records. Most, however, will identify you by some other means if you request it.
We cannot assign you a Social Security number solely so you can get a driver’s license or a service that requires a credit check. Although many companies, such as banks and credit companies, may ask for your Social Security number, you generally are not required to provide one if you don’t have one.
So, it would appear that if this (Non "Citizen") status applies to you, then you can see that there are some very confusing things being said here. It seems there is a lot to qualify or define in law/codes in order to completely understand whether or not YOU need this number for anything other than a means to acquire "benefits".
Question: Is there any penalty for denying posession of an SS number? (You HAVE one, but do not want to reveal it to someone who does not need it) Just wondering....
If you have one, you have one, as far as they're concerned. My usual answer if I wish to give a polite answer is "That information is private"; and not to be used for identification purposes anyway according to the Admin.
If they insist on you providing one, they are breaking the law. No matter who they are. That information is private. No one needs it but you and only if you wish to participate. If they want you to say it, it's because they already have it anyway. So if it's a situation where I wish not to "use" it, I would tell them to go pound salt; they'll get further.
they need to become citizens first. Then move to the work force . I may be old school but we shouldn't even be discussing this issue since the word illegal comes to mind in consideration of felons and criminals coming across the border with no permission.
I actually never applied for a number . Somebody else did. Then I was given a voluntary note to sign" A 1040" promising to pay" . Looks like we may be owned by some cowardly unknown entity.
This raises an interesting point.
Social Security started in 1916 with the income tax law. Before then we had no Social Security number. In 2001 I , and others sent letters to the treasurry stating we needed to withdraw from the system and that all monies collected on our behalf belonged to ourselves and those employers who had paid it on our behalf. That that money was secured for our retirement and that we were taking ourselves out of its system.
These were notary stamped.
Myself and 15 others did this at the same time; some being lawyers and such. We all got letters back but I've lost its reply. It said in part that we needed to maintain the Social Security number for identification, but we all filed a demand as people of state origin and NOT federal citizens under the 14th amendment. Nothing was ever sent back to me; no dismissal or non acceptance.
Which leads me to the point that lies from that era made us think we needed to become part of their system and how do the mega Elite remove themselves from it. I still wait for the IRS and Treasury's replies.
Check again... I think S.S. began in 1938. Or '39. (Roosevelt's brainchild) The 'income' tax did not begin on 1916. It (16th amendment) was properly used for about 6 months. Then 'they' began attempting to broaden its meaning. But it wasn't until the 'Victory Tax Act' in 1943 that we got the 'general' 'income' tax we see today. Thaty act was supposed to expire in 1944, but people kept sending money they didn't owe in the first place, and so government had lots of money to spend, not only on the War Effort, but on 'giveaways'. Department of Internal Revenue became IRS (later) and what we now have is an illegal imposition of a direct 'tax' on pay for work, which is prohibited, not once, but TWICE in Article One of our Constitution. There is NO 'repeal' language in the 16th, so Article One is still in full force and effect. IRS's assertion that 'everything that come IN is taxable 'Income' ' is just plain WRONG!
You do NOT need a SSN to work. Look here, letters from SSA in 1998 and again in 2009 (half-way down the page) SSA letter, ssn not needed to work
Good link to Lost Horizons Lori.
They sure do have evidence, don't they? Those letters are priceless. We need to ask the question again of our NEW SSA Administrators. Check out THIS ONE.
The IRS says all of our children must have a social security number to be able to be taken as a deduction as a dependent on our illegal income tax return.
Well that really is a mouthful Sharon.
"Deduction", "dependent", "illegal", "income", "tax", "return"? None of these words actually apply to YOU! Unless you are one of those who believes in "Voluntary Compliance". (their words, not mine)
The IRS is trying to push a lot of people around with their respective"weight". But try to get the child even out of the hospital after birth these days without one. They will call the police and have you arrested for "child abuse" for not providing for your child's future. They will try to intimidate you at the very least if you resist this part of the process. Trust me this is true.
getting to be more home births now. the ?% are growing at what % does the Monkey syndrome come into place.?
Oh yeah, this is true. It's hard to warn people about this deceit when you know that if they believe the truth and do what is right, they will be arrested and put into jail and have their children taken away from them.
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